Miyamura x Poly!NB!Reader x Hori

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°written by Narrator°
Title: Teach Us To Dance!
Fandom/Series: Horimiya
Non-binary reader
Poly relationship with reader, Miyamura, and Hori.
Word count - 333

Music blared within your apartment, the bass pooling put into the living room and kitchen.

You had been spending the whole day learning the choreography to one of your favorite songs. But little had you realized, today you were supposed to go out with your partners.

A knock rang within your house that only fell upon deaf ears. Your music was too loud for you to hear the steady beat on the door.

"Wonder if they're home." Miyamura wondered aloud. Hori knocked once more, listening carefully for any sort of movement.

"I think.... I think the door's unlocked." She wiggled the handle on the door and it opened, granting the two entrance.

As soon as the door swung open, they were able to hear the base of the song from your room.

Your two partners let themselves in so they could investigate the disturbance.

As they approached your room, the music grew louder and more bassie.

Hori was the first to peek in, Miyamura telling her to just in case you were changing or something of the sort.

The sight made the brunette giggle and flush a small bit. She beckoned the boy over to the door, signaling him to be quiet.

The two see you, they're goofy, adorable partner, swaying with the choreo of the music.

As the song ended you turned around only to see Hori and Miyamura, your wonderful and amazing partners, standing in your door frame, smiling at you as if they saw nothing. 

A bright pink flush spread across your face.

Hiding yourself in your hands you squeaked out a small "Oh my god..."

Hori sauntered over and held your hands in hers, that amazingly soft smile on her gorgeous face. Miyamura joined you two, wrapping his arms around your waist and placing his head on your shoulder.

"Please teach us to dance!"

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