🎄Mammon x GN!Reader

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Title: Christmas gift
Fandom/Series: Obey Me
Gender neutral reader
Christmas one-shot
(Sorry It's late)
Setting: A few days before Christmas
Italics = Mammon's thoughts
(2022 Christmas oneshot)

"Hey Mamms, what do you want for Christmas?"

You asked, while you and Mammom were playing video games.

Not Mc.

Not Mc.

Not Mc.

Say grimm or something.

Don't say Mc-


You felt your checks grow hot, and found it difficult to put your words together to form a sentence.

So a few minutes of silence followed.

'W-what, did you just say Mamms?"


Realizing what he just said, he started stuttering over his words.

Unable to get an actual sentence out.

The game over screen, comes up on your tv.

Mammon flustered and embarrassed, he rushed put of your room, forgetting his jacket.

♡♡♡ Time skip, Christmas Eve ♡♡♡

Everybody's presents are under the tree, except for Mammon, you think to yourself.

Since, Mammon has been avoiding you out of embarrassment, you haven't had the chance the ask him, what else he wanted for Christmas.

So you were just going to gift him the one thing he asked you for.

You had on your favorite Christmas Pj's and Mammon's jacket.

You put a bow on the top of your head, and held a envelope with a card in hand with Mammon's name on it.

You sit on the chair closest to the tree and fall asleep.

In the morning, everyone gets up, except for Belphie who's dead asleep.

The brothers notice you near the tree, but don't think to much of it.

Wanting you to be able to see your presents you gifted to them opened.

Satan who's siting closest to you shakes you awake, and Asmo hands over everyone's presents from you.

Mammon, is awkwardly siting there with nothing.

While everyone is opening their presents from you, Mammon thinks to himself.

You fucked up, you said something that made Mc uncomfortable.

And now they probably hate you, is the simple version of what is running through Mammon's mind.

You stand up and look around, seeing that everyone is done, you walk over to Mammon.

Card in hand and bow on head.

You grab his hands with your empty one amd whisper to him.

"Since, your present is special I wanted you to open yours last."

Mammon looks at you surprised that you're not mad.

You make yourself look a little more presentable, and say.


"Merry Christmas Mamms!"

"I'm your present."

"I hope you like it, It was the only thing you asked me for this year."

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