☀️ [ his legacy ] ☀️

38 1 0

Letters missing: about 2 back and forths.

UN's note: Sea sent a letter literally two days before this was sent. I didn't have the chance to respond at that time, so it was rather alarming. But considering his condition at that time, it's completely understandable.

:') - Sea

The handwriting on the original print was shakey, with some ink splattered on the side and seemingly drops of liquid smudging on the ink.



I know we just met, kind of.. but I think I am starting to feel a connection between us both. I just want to preface this by saying that, feel free to not respond to this letter, writing these things has been something I can get my mind off of things and I figured I send one of them to you.

A few letters ago, I introduced myself to you, saying I have a half-brother. That half-brother was an organization, SEATO. And if you read the news, I think you know where this is going.

Me and him were actually not on good terms after my actual blooded brother died, because he kept blaming me on everything. We remain having similar personalities, except he is more hardworking and focused than me. Even one of the countries associated with me stated that the two of us had the same anger issues. I really appreciated him as a person, and I knew that he returns the favor to me as well in secret.

Just a few hours after it actually happened, I received a letter from him. A goodbye letter. I cannot be lying if I said that I literally cried reading it, words I had honestly never think he can say, with some words relating to my life and my future. It hurts. Literally everyone in my family is gone.

I am really tired of this, and I am frustrated of myself for not doing anything, again. It is like the whole world is crumbling within my reach and I do not know how to prevent it from stopping.

Once I heard he is actually gone, I could not bring up the confidence to go out anymore, nor even speak.

Not only I am angry for myself not doing anything, I also took my thoughts to SEATO's members. America is part of his organization, why is he not doing anything? The only people I noticed who cared was Thailand, the Philippines, and the UK a little.

I am such an emotional mess right now, I apologize. I hope you understand where I am coming from. As I said, I do not care if you do not respond to this. I just needed to get my thoughts out, and I really cannot bring the confidence to talk to someone in person.

Loosing someone is hard, but it would be harder if you loose an entire family.

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