Ivani looked around as she sat up. "I hate waking up in different places" She groaned before getting off the hologram bed.

She walked into the lab to find Shuri. "Hi" Shuri turned and found Ivani standing there. "You're awake" Shuri said while walking over.

"Yeah" Ivani smiled and nodded. "What happened?" Ivani asked as she placed her head in the crook of Shuri's neck hugging her.

Shuri hugged back. "You fell out..after we talked about-" "Namor's plan" Ivani finished for her. Shuri nodded. "Do you remember anything before you collasped?" Shuri asked.

"I just remember thinking about...Kiyo" Ivani said. "My love" "Our own people turned against each other and that cost my brother his life. War is not the way" Ivani said before crying.

Shuri held her in her arms. "War is not the way, when there is a compromise. But if no one is willing to compromise no one is willing to listen" Shuri said.

Ivani looked up at her. "I can't bring Kiyo back but I can keep you here safe with me" Shuri comforted. Ivani sniffed as she placed her head back in the crook of Shuri's neck.

"I should go talk to Nakia" Ivani said. Shuri nodded as the two pulled a part. Before Ivani could release her hand from Shuri's, Shuri pulled her back.

"Sh-" Shuri attached their lips together. Ivani placed a hand on her cheek deepening the kiss as Shuri wrapped an arm around her waist.

Shuri began placing little kisses on Ivani's lips before kissing around her face causing Ivani to laugh. "Enough games" Ivani said with a smile slightly pushing her away.

"There is your reward" Shuri smiled. "Part of it" Ivani corrected and Shuri rolled her eyes with a smile. "I will be back" Ivani said and Shuri nodded.

Ivani left the lab as she began to walk outside the palace. BOOM! And explosion was heard. Ivani turned and saw water explosions happening around Wakanda.

"It's happening" Ivani said in realization as she began seeing people going into fights. People were running and screaming while others were fighting against the Talokan.

Ivani tapped her necklace as her suit appeared on her body. She grabbed a bead and clapped it in her hands as it turned into a long chain with a blade at both ends.

Ivani saw ships flying past before a Talokan appeared in front of her. She got into her fight stance as the Talokan smirked. The fight began.

Ivani ducked as the Talokan striked. She kicked under their feet and they fell on their back. Ivani stabbed the blade into it's chests before moving to the next Talokan.

"Where is Ivani?" Okoye asked Nakia. Nakia's heart dropped. "She's not with Shuri?" Nakia asked. Okoye shook her head. "We have to find her" Okoye said.

Ivani strained against the Talokan pushing the blade from her neck. Ivani kicked their stomach as the Talokan stumbled back. Ivani kicked them in their face before striking their side.

"Shuri" Aneka said from her ship. "Yes" Shuri said shooting down a Talokan. "Ivani is missing" Aneka said. Shuri heart dropped. "What?"

Namor appeared on top of Shuri's ship. "Shi-" Ivani looked up and saw Shuri's ship going down. Ivani looked around as she began running to the bridge.

Okoye and Nakia shipped picked up Aneka and Shuri. "Is Ivani in here?" Shuri asked. "We haven't found her" Okoye said. "Find her!"

Ivani looked at the top of the palace to see Ramonda and Riri looking through the window. Ivani heard a blade behind her.

Ivani turned and saw Namor. "The Princess' right?" Namor asked. "I am my own person. I do not belong to anyone" Ivani said. Namor smirked.

"You will belong to the waters very soon" Namor said. He striked and Ivani ducked. She grabbed onto the sides of the bridge before swinging down.

Ivani let go waiting for the water to break her fall before she stopped falling. Ivani looked up and saw she was being lifted to the ship.

The doors opened as Ivani climbed in before they closed behind her. "Ivani!" Shuri said attacking her in a hug. "You could've died" Shuri yelled.

"For the home of Wakanda I am willing to do anything" Ivani said. Shuri sighed before letting her go. "Thank goodness you're okay" Nakia said hugging her.

Ivani hugged back before moving onto Okoye. "Namor is going for the palace" Aneka said. They walked over to the front of the ship to see Namor by the window of Ramonda and Riri.

Ivani looked at his hand. "He's going to break the windows" Ivani ralized. "What?" "He's trying to drown them!" Ivani yelled getting back to the opening of the ship.

"Ivani!" Shuri yelled as Ivani fell down. The glass broke as the water exploded into the room drowning Ramonda and Riri.

Ivani hit her necklace as her suit retracted so she run faster. "Ivani!" Shuri yelled running after her. Ivani ran through the palace doors running to find the throne room as quick as possible.

Ivani bursted open the doors and searched for the two. "Mama!" Ivani yelled as she and Okoye ran over. They pulled her out of the water and turned her around.

Nakia was trying to revive Riri was Aneka and others were holding back Shuri. "Mama come on" Ivani said as Okoye was trying to revive her.

"I told you what would happen" Namor said. He pointed to Shuri. "You are the new Queen" Namor said before looking at Ivani. "You will be next" He said before flying away.

"Mama! Come on! Come on" Okoye repeated. Riri coughed up the water as she sat up revived. Nakia came over and held Okoye hand. "She's gone" Nakia said.

"No! No!" Shuri screamed. "No!" Ivani cried as Nakia held her in her arms.

When the Moon Sets: Wakanda ForeverWhere stories live. Discover now