A memorial was held for Ramonda. This time Ivani struggled to care for Shuri as she could barely care for herself. Ramonda was a mother to her and she was gone. In a matter of seconds.

"Shuri" Ivani said walking into the lab. Shuri didn't turn around. "I know it hurts. I cannot console you because I do not know what it feels like to lose a blood mother. But I can say that I am here. We can do this together"

Ivani grabbed her hand. "I want to become the Black Panther" Shuri said. "Why?"Ivani asked. Shuri looked at her as they hands departed. "I want Namor dead".

"If this is vengeance-" "My family is dead!" "Not everyone! Blood does not make you family. You are a Queen and your people need you. If you go and fight for vengeance you will kill people to fill a hole that is only going to consume you!" Ivani yelled.

"It already has" Shuri said. Ivani blinked trying to find her words. "Does all of this mean nothing to you. You are going to war when we stand no chance for what?"

Ivani yelled as Shuri was walking away from her. "Not T'Chaka not Ramonda and definitely not T'Challa-" "You will not bring my brother into this" Shuri yelled as she turned around to Ivani.

"You do not get to shame me by using my brother! You will not!" Shuri said as tears clouded Ivani's eyes. "I...am not..a servant. I am not...someone you can just...push around"

Ivani stood her ground as tears fell down her eyes. "I have not given my life to this country for you too ruin it before you lost people! We all lost T'Challa! Ramonda was my mother too Shuri!" Ivani yelled standing her ground.

"You will not use me as a pillow that you can throw around! You are putting your people in danger! Look at what happened, people have lost their homes and have lost their loved ones. I know you have lost your blood family but that does not give you a reason to cause a war on the rest of us" Ivani finished.

"You don't know what is good for my people. I am not causing a war of the rest of us I am ending what they started! My family is gone and you will not boss me around because you are scared to jump" Shuri said.

Ivani scoffed as tears fell down her face. She nodded as she put her hands on her hips. Ivani walked out of the lab with tears running down her face.

Shuri sniffed as she realized what she'd done. "Shit!"

Ivani walked into the lab. "Riri I got um the metal you needed" Ivani said holding the metal. "Great, just place it on that table right there" Riri said.

Ivani nodded as she placed the metal down. "If you need anything-" "I know where your station is" Ivani nodded as she began walking away. "Wait V" Riri stopped her.

Ivani turned around and raised an eyebrow. "You're gonna be there right?" Riri asked. "In the war?" Ivani asked. Riri nodded.

"Riri-" "I just really think we need you. Like I've seen you fight and you're skills a badass fighter" Riri encouraged. Ivani let out a small laugh. "Thank you Riri but...I'm scared to jump" Ivani recited.

Shuri overheard and sighed. "But you talk about fighting for Wakanda all the time-" "Yes, when fighting is necess-"

"But don't you think fighting against Namor and killing him is necessary. He took so much from you. You won't even help?" Riri tried to reason.

"It didn't hit me as hard. The family I lost was not....mine" Ivani said. Riri sighed as she looked down. "Do you Kiyo would fight one last time?" Riri asked.

Ivani looked down before up at Riri. "I have to see Nakia. I will talk to you later" Ivani said before leaving the lab. Riri looked at Shuri and shrugged before going back to her design.

Shuri sighed as her hand scanned over the suit.

"You will not be there?" Nakia asked. "I am not fighting in a plan of vengeance-" "Exactly, you're fighting in a plan to help Wakanda"

"By killing a country's king. Leaving his people to be...helpless?" Ivani asked. Nakia sighed as Ivani stepped back and looked at her suit.

"I still do not like this problem between you and Shuri" Nakia said. "Shuri decided my pain was not as valid as hers. She saw me as person she can use when it is convenient for her"

Ivani fixed a part in the suit by straightening it out. "I will not stand by someone who is not even willing to consider my problems" Ivani said.

"Then stand by someone who is willing to end her country's suffering" Nakia said. "By killing a country's King?" Ivani asked. Nakia gave her a look.

"You and I both know why Shuri is doing this. I refuse to be the one to pick up her pieces anymore. This her mess that she will clean up on her own" Ivani said.

"Do not fight for Wakanda" Nakia said grabbing her hand. "You fight for a reason and that reason is Kiyo. Fight for Kiyo like he had fought for you" Nakia said.

When the Moon Sets: Wakanda ForeverWhere stories live. Discover now