2: Well, they're tumbling down

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Sighing I switch off my phone. I just saw a video on social media of me being beaten up. Even worst, the person who posted the video was most likely Amelia, she posted it like she wasn't there just watching, she was saying how horrible what happened to me is.

The walk back was rather depressing as I saw a couple of people from school, they whispered among themselves pointing at me as I passed them. Apart from one boy, black hair, blue eyes, I think his name was, Jake? Jack? I don't know.

When I got back I had to rush upstairs, saying to my parents that I had to go to the bathroom. I stared at myself in the mirror, one of my eyes black, my clothes ripped and dirty.

I had stripped off and had a quick shower, I dressed myself in matching blue jogging bottoms and hoodie, a white t-shirt to go underneath. I had reapplied some make-up, just a light pink lip stick plus blusher, trying to make myself look not so pale, and tried to cover up my black eye as much as I could.

I flop down onto my bed turning my phone back on, I turn on Bluetooth and connect it to a pair of speakers, and before I know it music is blasting out of them. I tap my fingers along with the beat, humming slightly.

I have tried so many times to fit in, dressed in the latest fashion and put so much makeup on I could hardly recognise myself. Tried to just ignore the three, that ended in the whole cafeteria laughing at me.

I remember when I joined this school I didn't make a very good first impression. Throughout that first day I just quietly went about the school, most of the teachers were nice, apart from the maths teacher, Mr Andrews, though nobody likes him.

That first day I encountered Harper and Ashley breaking into a poor kids locker, me being me I reported them to the headmaster. That was probably the worst decision I made in my life.

Ever since that day the three have always been after me. I try to not let it faze me and I usually just hide myself away in the school library. I was always just one of those ordinary students back at my old school, and honestly I rather liked being invisible.

I close my eyes and slowly drift into a daydream, in the future I am sure I will be famous, like a actor or artist. I would live in massive mansion and drive a different car everyday. Or maybe, I will be a beautiful model and travel the world.

I shake my head, I know that these fantasies are just make believe. Still I love to imagine what might be.

Another thought comes into my mind, I've been having every strange vivid dreams, nightmares almost. Giant robots. I know it's weird. But there not really robots, I somehow know that they have feelings and thoughts. Honestly it's probably just my over active mind.

(Time skip)

"Hey. How are you doing?"

I jump slightly and a couple of books fall out of my locker, I was just trying to put them away before I got interrupted.

I quickly bend down and start to pick up my fallen books, I look up to see a boy, who I think was asking how I was, also bends down and helps me pick up the many books.

"Sorry for startling you," the boy says, "I'm not sure if you know me, but my names Jack, and your Esmeralda?" Jake says and we both stand up with books in our arms.

"Um, yes, that's me," I say and brush some hair out of my face as I dump my books in my locker.

"I couldn't help notice the state you were in last night, I was just wondering if you were okay?" Jack says to me as we start walking to class. Me and Jack are in the same year, and we have a few classes together.

"Me? Oh, I'm fine, I just fell over on the way back, just me being clumsy," I lie awkwardly.

Jack looks at me like he knows I'm lying.

A Japanese girl started running down the corner towards us, she stops unsuspectingly beside us and walks with us, "oh, hey Jack! Who this?!" The girl demanded.

"This is Esmeralda, Miko," Jack says to the over enthusiastic girl.

"Nice," Miko says making the word longer then it is actually supposed to be. I stay quiet. I wonder why Jack is making the effort to talk to me. I have always made sure I never get to close to people, you never know if they are going to betray me, "I love your hair, by the way! Where did you get it dyed?" Miko asks, looking that the frizzy mess on my head.

"It isn't dyed, I've had this ever since I was born," I say shrugging.

"Wow, really? Your not kidding?" Miko ask, her eyes widening.

"Yeah, I'm not," I say.

"But how?" Jack asks, seemingly interested.

"I don't know! I mean, sure it's a strange colour of red, and it's black," I say.

We together reach my class, "I am guessing this is your classroom," Jack asks as I stop beside it.

I nod in confirmation.

"Well, I guess I'll see you around?" Jack says smiling at me.

"Sure, if you want," I say and enter my classroom.

This is the first time anyone has been nice to me, or even acknowledged me. I am only the new girl from England, the one nobody talks to, the one who keeps to herself.

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