4: They didn't even make a sound.

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God damnit, why does this happen to me? I am peacefully looking round all the shops, when out of nowhere I catch slight of them. Ashly, Amelia and Harper. Not bothering me, of course. But a girl, about a year or so younger then me.

I tell myself I should leave and pretend I never saw this, but me being me I decide to stop them.

I march over trying to make myself look like I'm brimming with confidence, "Why on Earth are you bulling this poor kid," I state, frustration and anger poring out of me. I thought they would just laugh, imitate my accent and make some rude remark.

"What did you do to your eyes," Amelia gasps looking horrified. Amelia is a very fashion orientated girl, making sure she has her hair just right and her phone case keeping up with the trends.

"Maybe she has finally gone bonkers," Ashly laughs cruelly.

"I haven't done anything to my eyes," I say my anger changing to dismay as they all glare at me.

"Nah, they just went bright red," Harper says.

"Well, I think you should get your eyes testing as your all clearly blind," I snap, never did I felt so much regret as I do now.

"Your for it now," Ashly growls.

I turn on my heel and start running in the opposite direction, as soon as I stepped outside the doors of the shopping centre, I ran towards the car park. I looked behind me just for a second, to see the three bullies chasing after me.

If any person saw this, they were just think we were just playing a fun game, when really, I was running away terrified from them.

"Shit," I curse as I bash into something. It was the car from last night! The cherry red Aston Martin!

I blind in surprise as the door opens and probably the hottest guy I have ever seen steps out. He has red hair, and wears a racer's outfit. He looks at me and at the bullies who had stops a few meters away.

"Are they causing you trouble?" The man asks while I just stare at him, "hello? Are you listening?"

"Yes, sorry, they are chasing me," I explain brushing down my clothes.

The man walks over to the bullies, "you leave this girl alone! You got that? Unless you want to be skewered by a stick!" The man threatens.

They all scurry off back into the shopping centre, "thank you so much, but why?" I ask fidgeting with one of the buttons on my denim jacket.

"You complimented my fin- my cars finish, and I decided to pay to back a favour," the man says

"Wait, so you saw me?" I ask my eyes widening.

"Yeah, your quite hard to miss," he says and winks at me.

While I stumble for words the man gets back into his car. "Nice meeting you," he says as he turns his cars engine on. He drives away without me even asks for his name.

"Wow, just wow," I mutter to myself.

(Time skip)

"And then he just comes out of the car, and OMG he was so hot," I explain to Miko, "and he scares off those bullies easily."

It is lunch break and we are sitting at a table together, "what kind of car did he have?" Miko demanded.

"Oh it was wonderful," I say, "a red Aston Martin, with probably the best paint job in the world."

"Wow," Miko says admiringly.

"Did you say a red Aston Martin?" Jack asks as he sits down at our table.

"Yeah. And I love your motorbike, Jake. I think the blue looks just wonderful on it," I say.

"Oh, thank you, Esme," Jack replies.

"Anyway," I say turning back to Miko, "I hope I get to see this guy again, I didn't really get to thank him."

"Thank him for what?" Jack asks as he starts to eat his lunch.

"Well, he scared off the bullies that were chasing me," I explain.

The rest of the day races by in a flash, and before I know it, I'm waving Jack goodbye before walking outside the school gate. I am sure Jack said something to his motorbike about the red Aston Martin I saw.

(Time skip- third POV- the Nemesis)

"And one more thing, Lord Megatron," Knockout says, "I encountered a strange human femme with a faint energon signal."

"Hmm, interesting, you can investigate further without alerting the Autobot," Megatron commands.

"Yes, the only problem is I watched her leave the place humans call school, and she seems to be friends with the Autobot pets," Knockout informs.

"Do not take her from away her home... yet, let's wait and see if this human is worth anything, and if indeed has an energon signal," Megatron says.

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