3: They didn't even put up a fight

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I run across the road, eager to get home. I didn't even look both ways.

Then it hit me, the car, at full speed. The driver slammed down on the brakes as soon as he saw me, I still hit the front of the car. I fell down onto the tarmac, hitting my head. Pain exploded around my body. I heard the sound of a door opening and the rushed sound of footsteps.

I saw the light fade, becoming dimmer. That's when it all went black.

I jolt awake, quickly sitting up I turn on my lamp on my bedside table. I was nine at the time it happened. It was before I new the truth. Before I knew my whole life was a lie.

It was after school and I was just walking home after playing at my friend's house. My friend only lived a street away so my parents thought I would be fine to walk to her house, as I was responsible child for my age. I remember telling my parents that I would always look both ways before crossing the road. I was nine, and the thought of being able to go to my friends house whenever I wanted sounded exciting, so I would have done anything to be allowed to do it.

I had broken my left arm and had a bad sprain on my right ankle.

I knew from the moment when I awoke in the hospital and the doctors explained what happened that anything can happen at anytime. Fate is not real. It's your own actions that lead you to where you are today. If I had chosen to look both ways before crossing the road, then I wouldn't have been lying in that hospital bed with my mother crying by my side and my father looking down at me gravely.

I pick up my phone to look at the time; 2:43. I am desperate for a glass of water so I decide to go downstairs to get one. I slip out of bed and pad softly across the floor towards the door. It creeks open, slowly I look down the stairs. My bedroom is in the attic, I am still putting posters trying to get this place, feel like home.

During the daytime, I would go up and down the stairs with no problem, but now that it's pitch black, I can just imagine the monsters down there waiting in the dark. I gulp and reach for my torch on a nearby shelf. I flick it on and it lights up a once gloomy stairway, "get a hold of yourself, Esme!" I whisper to myself fiercely.

I move quickly downstairs wanting to get this over and done with. I still stumble in the dark, even with the torch, making this place much more sinister than it actually is. As soon as I get to the kitchen I get a glass out of cupboard and fill it with tap water. When I finish I put the cup next to the sink, I'm about to go back upstairs when I hear something outside. It's sounds like a rev of an engine, I know some Americans are crazy, but really? Who on Earth would be out at this hour?

I peep round the curtain and see nothing, I sigh, trying to make myself go back upstairs, but my curiosity gets the better of me, yet again. I carefully unlock the door trying not to make too much noise, when the door is open I point my flashlight outside, I don't see anything apart from the usual. But then I catch sight of a car, red, with an awesome paint job. Slipping on my black and white checked Converse I walk outside to investigate further.

I wander up to the car and peer inside the windows, trying to see if there was anyone inside. Nothing, only the red and black interior. I check to see the make of the car, an Aston Martin, nice, an English make. Never thought I would see one of these again. Since there seems to be nobody around, I run my hand from the bonnet to the roof of the car. "Wow, I love you," I whisper before telling myself that I should go back inside.

I practically have to tear myself away from the beautiful car, before going back inside, I hear the same rev of an engine and I see the car zooming away down the road. Odd, I was sure there was nobody around.

I move back inside, turning around to lock the door. I go back upstairs to my room and get back into bed, I try to get back to sleep, but I just toss and turn for about an hour until I decide to read a book. I turn my lamp on again, and step out of bed to get a book; the Hunger Games: Catching Fire, one of my favourites. I quickly lose myself in the book and before I know it I close the book with a thud, sun leaking through my curtains.

I have honestly lost count of how many times I've done that. Reading away the night, getting so involved in the story that I don't even notice time passing.

Good thing I don't have to go to school today, as it's a Saturday, I don't think I would be able to stay awake.

"Esme," I hear Mum call, the creeking of the stairs indicating that she is coming up, "are you up?" She asks through my door.

"Yeah, Mum," I say moving the covers off my bed.

I am sitting up as she comes in, "did you sleep well, honey?" Mum asks.

"Yeah, I did," I lie smoothly.

"Well, I got plans for you today. You're going down to the local shopping centre today and making some friends. I got you forty pound- I mean dollars for you to spend as you please," Mum says rearranging two ornaments on my chest of drawers, "I just really want you to make some friends, darling."

"Thank you, Mum, I will try," I say jumping out of bed, even though I'm not really a girly girl I've always found shopping fun.

"Brilliant," Mum says and makes her way to leave the room, "I think you're Dads making pancakes so you better be down quickly."

As soon as the door is closed again I walk over to my wardrobe, I get out a simple purple tank top with some denim shorts to go with it. I put my hair up into a quick ponytail and change into the clothes. I put on a dab of makeup to hide the dark circles under my eyes and rush downstairs.

After breakfast, which was delicious, I put on my Roman style sandals and put my purse, as well as my phone, into my shoulder bag. "I will be back by four," I call grabbing my denim jacket off the hook and putting it on.

I rush out the door, I know there is a shopping centre about twenty minutes walk from here. Before I know it I am walking on the pavement, I hope to see that car again from last night.

I remind myself not to call it a shopping centre, if I do meet anyone, but a mall.

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