5: I found a way to let you in.

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"So did you have fun?" Mum asks as soon as I get through the front door.

"What? At school? Or are we talking about a different place," I joke setting my school bag down on the kitchen table.

"You know what I mean," Mum says and hands me a Iced Tea, "I got it from Starbucks, on the way back from work."

"Wow, thank you," I say and begin drinking.

"Darling, how are you really doing at school?" Mum asks. She hasn't broached the subject yet, I knew she would eventually.

"Fine, my grades are good, considering that we moved and I missed a lot of school," I reply between slurps of Iced Tea.

Mum gives me that I'm still worried look, "I meant, are the kids there being nice? How are the teachers? And have you seen any cute boys that you haven't told me about?" Mum asks as she starts wiping down the tops.

"Mum, you know I have no time for boys, " I say giggling.

"Ah. I should have known, your too busy because your head is always stuck in a book," Mum says laughing.

"Almost all the teachers OK. My classmates just ignore me all the time," I say shrugging.

"OK, darling. If you say so," Mum says, giving me a reassuring look.

(Time skip)

Book in hand, I step out of the door. Honestly, the best surprise for me is a good book. And of course, that's what my Dad came home with.

"It's called The Host, and its made by the same author that wrote Twilight," my Dad tells me as he hands me the new book.

"Wow, thank you Dad!" I say, my eyes sparkling already planing where I was going to read it.

I've found the local park is perfect place for reading. Underneath a tree, just the right amount of shade so the sun doesn't shine in my eyes. That's where I'm heading to now, I figured that I might have enough time for around three hours of reading before I have to go back because it will get dark.

I don't notice that a car is following me as I am walking to my destination. As soon as I get to the park I go over to my tree, it is quite close to the road not that I mind.

I settle myself down and start reading. I don't look up when I hear a car stop nearby, I barely even acknowledge it. When I hear the same car starts its engine and creep only a little bit closer before turning off again, I can't help but look up from my invigorating book.

I almost gasp when I realise its the same Aston Martin, I can't see inside because of its black tinted window. I fold the top of the page that I'm on and put the book down onto the grassy floor.

I get up and walk to the Aston Martin, I am half expecting the car to zoom off down the road. As soon as I get to the car, it's window winds down, I look inside to see the same guy that saved me from the bullies.

"So, we meet again," the man says smoothly as he gets out of his car.

"I- I never got to thank you enough," I stumble as the man comes over to the side I am at and leans against his car door. As far as I can see the man is a good few inches taller then me.

"No need," the man replies.

"An- and I never caught your name?" I ask shyly.

"Name?" The man says sounding confused, "oh yes, name, um, my name is. . .," the man looks around before glancing down at his car, "Aston."

"Aston? Like your car?" I ask, and I can't help but smile.

"Yes, like my car," Aston replies.

"Speaking of your car, I love it. It's got an amazing paint job," I comment.

"Why, thank you," Aston says looking down at me. That's when I notice his eyes, like a glowing red.

He notices that I'm staring at him, "what?" He asks sharply.

"Oh- I- your eyes, that's all," I say.

"Oh yes, I've got a- an eye condition," Aston replies rubbing the back of his head.

I turn my head on the side slightly before I realise, "you've got a slight English accent," I comment, "are you from there?"

"English?" Aston says, sounding like he was processing it, "England? Yes, I'm from there."

"Nice, me too," I say smiling.

"Anyway what were you doing?" Aston asks looking me up and down.

"Ah. I was just reading my new book; The Host. Have you read it?" I ask looking back at my reading tree.

"Um, no, I can't say I have," Aston says, stumbling slightly over this words.

"Well, um, it was nice meeting you," I say, nodding.

I start to walk back to my tree, I turn round so my back is to the tree and slid down it. I look back at the Aston Martin, only to see Aston staring at me, "um, do you want to go to a . . .," Aston peters off.

"A Cafè?" I ask.

"Yes," Aston replies.

"Sure. I would love to," I say.

"I could drive you to one?" Aston suggests.

"And you would allow me to get into your perfect car?" I ask jokingly.

"Of course, anything for the person who compliments my fin- my cars finish," Aston replies and opens the car door for me. I smile at him form my spot under the tree and decide to go with him.

A/N: Yes, normally any sane person would not go into a random persons car. (I hope not anyway.) BUT, for the sake of the fanfiction that's what's happening.

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