The Most Pathetic Not a Witch

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Plot: A "totally mysterious" psychopathic chaos god decides to send some poor genderbent person into Re:Zero... thousands of years before the main plot. Can they prevent as many tragedies as they can, and what will it change? That is, if they can even find a way to change the plot with how pathetic they are. Oh yeah, surely making them look the exact same as a future witch won't cause any problems either, right?

Name: Hygiea

Love Interest: Shaula

Personality: Timid, soft-spoken, way too nice, naïve, a bit childish.



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Authority of Sloth: Summon a singular hand with half the strength of the user, at the very least it doesn't make the brain tremble. Can produce two hands at the cost of a headache that lasts for an entire day.

Authority of Lust: Prevents permanent scarring, will not get adverse skin conditions, makes the user slightly more attractive in the eyes of others, but very, very, minimally. Heal wounds slightly faster than normal.

Authority of Greed: Slow down the time of a singular object for at most 1 second, any further will cause the user's heart to slow down and eventually stop. Can also temporarily give someone else one of the users own powers, if they accept.

Authority of Wrath: Drain a tiny bit of mana directly from Od Laguna, slightly restoring mana/healing and causing a very minor inconvenience somewhere.

Authority of Envy: The most powerful authority, reset time by 5 minutes if killed with a twice per day limit.

Authority of Gluttony: Eat any amount of food without consequences, excess food will be stored as energy for later without affecting the user's wellbeing. Others seeing the user eat will also make them crave similar food, so nothing special.

Authority of Pride: Minorly boosts self confidence. If struck, can make the person who committed the act feel extremely bad about themselves, and deeply regret their actions.

Authority of Vainglory: Can rewrite phenomena, to an abysmal degree. Examples being: Make tatoes taste the tiniest bit different, the price of something slightly lower, or at its maximum terrifying power, make water taste better.

Authority of Melancholy: Can make something a bit heavier than usual, if used on a person it would cause self-doubt and shame due to the unknown extra weight, sparking unease and misery, and thus melancholy. A truly vile and despicable authority.

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