Retired Dark Lord Reincarnation teaser

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A/N: Ok, so after my broken spirit series which is on a sort of mini-pause cause of writer's block and a lack of motivation, along Grand Gacha system, I've decided the order of my next fics. This place really has just turned into a put random nonsense book so I don't clog up my actual fics with announcements and stuff. It's gonna go Dark lord > Enkidu Alter > Pathetic not a Witch, and then whatever other ideas from there. Though it might change if my Fate phase sizzles out for Re:Zero again, who knows.

Anyways, a teaser for dark lord so I can just yeet the idea before I forget! Though ofc since its mainly a sorta draft it's still subject to changes.


In the beginning, there were countless Gods, they created the land, the sea, even the stars. Those gods fell in love with their creation so much so, that they couldn't stand the thought of any others claiming and admiring it besides themselves.

And so, war was raged, a war which lasted for countless eons. Gods fell, yet their creation, their inanimate essence remained, and so the world did not fall into nothingness. The one who created fire, the beings who made the sea and sky, all of them perished, yet their creation remained in memory of their existence. A testament to their once living might.

Yet at the end of this brutal war, all for the sake of the most treasured pearl and treasure of the Gods, remained two of polar opposite natures, yet both two sides of the same coin. The God of Light and the God of Darkness, primordial existences which surpassed all the other Gods. The planet, once bathed in eternal light on one half and another soaked in darkness for all of time shifted as the Gods clashed, creating day and night. 

Eventually both of their powers waned so much so, that they were forced to take inanimate forms to recover, much like their fallen brethren. The God of Light taking the form of a brilliant star to illuminate the world, even creating a separate construct of rock to ensure even the night did not go without the radiance of the new star.

The God of Darkness would not take this however, everywhere the light did not touch, he took for himself. Even the light's desperate attempt to illuminate the night was only a mere shimmer in comparison to the endless darkness of it. It is said that new moons are a result of the God of Darkness attempting to swallow the moon and bring the night fully into darkness.

Despite this, their war continued. If not for the rising and setting sun, and the coming of darkness that comes and goes with it, it was their new vessels to continue their war of dominance over the world. Even their remaining vestiges of power in nearly comatose states created forces of nature unmatched by any being that had formed naturally on the planet.

Those two were the Hero, the shining star of life and light. As well as the Lord of Darkness, an all consuming void set to plunge the world into an eternal peaceful abyss. They fought just like night and day, coming and going, the victor ever changing and shifting. Yet one day... the night never came, instead a blood red crimson sky greeted the world instead of the usual soothing darkness.

The moon now a fiery red demonic eye watching over the world, as if the night had been taken away from even both light and darkness by something sinister and vile. Only the day remained as pure and normal as it had once been, yet even then, the days grew shorter, and the hero grows even weaker.

As for the Lord of Darkness... another one never rose. Instead demons, horrid abominations that appeared on the very first crimson night appeared and slaughtered many. Among them rose a being that managed to rival even the legendary figures of old, the Demon Lord. An existence comparable to a force of nature, it seeked not an eternal paradise of light or an eternal abyss of peaceful nothingness, but simply destruction, slaughter, and violence.

Random story ideas I may or may not do at some point.Where stories live. Discover now