Tactical Child Incoming! / Random char interactions

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A/N: Ok so since I'm impatient af I couldn't wait for my gacha fic to have azur lane chars so I can go haha military go boom boom or guns go shoot shoot. So naturally, I had the brilliant idea of giving a child weapons of mass destruction and tossing them at random cosmic horrors! This idea was h e a v i l y "inspired" *Cough Cough* copied, by Harbor Hime's fics where Jack goes around blowing stuff up.


Plot summary: A child who is absolutely obsessed with various military stuff and sci-fi goes... how to put this nicely... kablam? Poof? Anyways their existence on the material plane is rather gone due to reasons. So feeling bad, some gods decide to give the child their dream and reincarnate them, and essentially turn everything and everyone into a sandbox and target practice for the child. Because turns out, that child is basically a walking war criminal that just got some overpowered technology and weapons.


Third Person P.O.V

A child is wandering through dark alleyways, definitely not a place where one should be. An alley, a cacophony of potential dangers and disturbing fates can await anyone who enters, threats unknown are abound in places like these. But unknown to these threats, the true demon was the child, and so 2 foolish thugs approached the walking mass of untapped horror.

Thug 1: Hehehe! Look what we have here!

Thug 2: Hey there little missy, you mind coming with us, we have candy. So how about it?

The child pauses and looks straight into their eyes, boring into their very souls, before asking one ominous and out of place question.

Child: Hey... do you guys like guns? 

Thug 1: Wha-

Thug 2: Shut up, you'll ruin this! Of course we do! Guns are super awesome, in fact I have a couple cool guns to show you if you come with us.

The child grins, a completely innocent smile on the surface, but the intentions were not.

Child: No, I don't want to come with you. I have a much cooler gun right here! See?

The two thugs look confused for a moment, before deciding force was the only option. That was until they head the moving of heavy machinery, or at least what sounded like it. They both turned to the source of the noise, only to be greeted with the sight of a completely blood red monster.

???: The Codex Astartes(Child Edition) does not support this action. Die heretics!

*Bang* *Bang* *Bang*

Child: Hehe, their brains went sploot all over the wall! Awesome! Hey, hey, big astrogy blood angry guy, do you think I can get the master chef guy to blow up all of the schools for me? I hate them.

Astarte: I'll have to call in for that... mhm... mhm... confirmation received. Yes, he can do that.

Child: Hooray! Oh! What about Pluto? It confused me when I was in those horrible schools, so do you think we can fire a big boom boom laser at it from the destruction doritos?

Astarte: Do you perhaps mean the Imperial Star Destroyers?

Child: Yeah! The triangle terrors! Make it boom boom Pluto!

Astarte: As you wish, oh glorious emperor!

This was only the beggining of the atrocities this child was about to commit.




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