White hair = stupidly broken?

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Plot: Another poor guy dies, however thanks to a very not at all suspicious god that has an odd obsession with women, is getting 3 wishes of whatever he wants. As he isn't being told where he is going to be reincarnated in and doesn't want to die again, he makes sure he becomes as untouchable as possible. Also... why is he in a lab with a bunch of brown haired high school teenager look alikes... and of course he is a girl now....

Basically, I hate getting hurt, so I wished for all the untouchable abilities I could think of and got reincarnated in Academy City.

Name: Deus

Personality: The quiet and cool headed type on the outside but is internally panicking at everything on the inside. Appears smart, but is mostly an airhead. 



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Limitless: This technique brings the concept of "Infinity" into reality, allowing the user to manipulate and distort space at will. Modified to not use any energy.

Infinity: The technique takes the finite amount of space between the two subjects and divides it an infinite amount of times, creating an infinite space between the user and enemies. 

Red: Reverses the effect of the strengthened technique and brings the divergence of infinity into reality, generating the power to repel.

Blue:  By amplifying the Limitless and bringing the conceptual impossibility of negative distance into reality, this forces the surrounding space to try and fill in the gap by pulling violently toward the source producing an effect similar to a magnet or black hole.

Hollow Purple: A fusion of convergence and divergence that collides both infinites to generate an imaginary mass. The effect takes the target out of reality, instantly erasing everything the technique hits without exception.

Vector Control: Allows the user to control vectors, basically anything that has magnitude and direction. Due to requiring immense amounts of calculating power and knowledge on physics, it has been given a training wheel of sorts that will automatically calculate everything needed for vector reflection without any effort on the part of the user. However, for offensive uses and more complicated control of vectors, the automatic calculations do not apply, meaning an air head will only ever be able to use it for defense. This does mean however it can automatically calculate and reflect even unknown vectors instantly, making it superior to the original defensively, but inferior to the original in terms of offensive capability due to the difference in user skill and intelligence.

Authority of Greed:

Stillness of an Object's Time: Stop the time of anything the user is wearing, touching, or even their own breath, which in would stop the object's or thing's interference from the outside world, only allowing its interference outwards and even granting the ability to freely manipulate the objects' shape, essentially making the object or person indestructible and an unstoppable force of destruction. Since Lion's heart was modified, also no longer has a drawback.

Lion's Heart: Freeze the heart's time, stopping the user's heartbeat and granting a temporary state of invincibility. With this power active, the user would be completely cut off from the world's flow of time, literally becoming a walking anomaly. In this state, there is no need for eating, drinking, or even breathing and the body will not even age a single second, nor will it perform even the most basic of human body functions. Modified to remove the drawback.

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