🖤The nightmares its happening again🖤

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// TW MENTIONS OF ABUSE AND R@PE I'll put a "*" when it stars and ends//
As I lied down to sleep I couldn't help but feel weird but I brushed it off and went to sleep. That's where it all went wrong. I had them again. The nightmares but this time they were worse.
I was woken from my slumber to yelling, not just anyone yelling my parents yelling at each other.
*Mrs. Y/L/N: It's your fault she is like this! I told you, I don't care if you put your hands on me but never ever touch my kid!
They continued to yell back and forward with each other while I was at the bottom of the stairs listening as I got up I dropped a painting making them both look at me.
Mr. Y/L/N: come here you little slag! My so called father screamed as he walked over a grabbed my arm pulling me towards my mother who had a look of worry one her eyes.
Mrs. Y/L/N: don't you dare touch my daughter! My mother screamed as she lunged at my dad he then pulled out his wand and yelled Stupafiy! And my mother was frozen in place.
Mr. Y/L/N: now if you wanna sleep around with boys then I'll show you what happens to sluts!
My father screamed in my face, I knew what was coming this isn't my first rodeo with this. He then proceeded to throw me on the couch and start kissing my neck as I struggled to get out of his grip tears run down my face he then r@ped me after he was done with me I realised something. My mother she had to watch that whole thing. He undid the spell
Mr.Y/L/N: you know the drill Y/n don't tell anyone and you my dear wife if you do try to tell I'll make you watch it over and over again. He threatened he then went upstairs to his study to drink. My mother came rushing towards me
Mrs. Y/L/N: OMG BABY ARE YOU OKAY? she asked tears running down her face. I shook my head
Mrs. Y/L/N: honey I need you tell me how long has this been going on? She asked lifting my chin up to look at her. I took a deep shaker breath and I spoke
Y/n: since the day you left to that really important meeting for work I said quietly looking back down. My mother then engulfed me into a massive hug where we cried and cried. * Then the dream switched to the losers club all talking I then walked over to them
Y/n: hi guys! I cheered happily they ignored me.
Y/n: did I do something wrong? Why are you guys ignoring me? I asked looking at them
D/Stan: because your a slut! Patrick was right we were all just trying to hit. He said with venom in his voice I broke down in tears. They all started chanting thing like slut, whore, fuck toy. All of this and I started screaming back telling them to shut up and that it isn't real. After a couple of minutes of screaming I heard my name being called "Y/n?! Y/n! Wake up!" I realised the voice belonged to Eddie. I then shot up out of my dream in a sweat tears rolling down my face "hey hey calm down n/n it's okay we are here" Eddie said as he hugged me. 'Wait we?' I thought to myself as I looked around and saw all of the losers with our fear in their faces. "Y/n what happened just then?!" Bev shouted causing me to flinch they realised I flinched and told her to be quite. "There happening again aren't they?" Eddie asked me making everyone look at him I slowly nodded tears running down my face "what's happening again?" Stan asked as he sat down on the other side of me. "Because of the things she's been through which I never knew about till now well at least the abuse part she has nightmares here and there making her relive it all" Eddie explained to the losers club to which they all looked at each other confused. "Hang on if it was nightmares about thing that had to do with her past, why was she screaming out our names?" Ben asked making me look up at them. "Because my nightmare made me realise my true fear" I said in a shaky voice "which is?" Mike asked. I took a deep breath then I spoke "you guys all believing all the things said about me that in slut and you all turned on me I hated every second of it, so my fear? Is losing you guys." I stated more and more tears running down my face they all hugged me and told me they would never ever say thing like that and that they love me. And for once I feel complete.

But little did I know this perfect little world I have is all about to come crashing down like a ton of bricks.

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