Chapter 7

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Estella's P.O.V

"What do you need to tell me?" I asked rubbing the black blobs head.

"Y-You see.. Mother found me not long after I left. She finished her experiment on me with black blood. That's what Rageroke is, black blood not long after that Maka and soul saved me and here I am." he explained. I Nodded my head and grabbed Cronas cheeks and started pinching them "you've gotten so cute from the last time I saw you! Look how handsome you are!" I started playing with his soft pink hair.

"What do you mean?! You think this cry baby is attractive? He's a wimp!" Rageroke yelled pulling at his cheeks. "Please stop that! It hurts!" Crona pleaded. "No!"

"Lets see what your hiding up that little outfit of yours" Rageroke lifted up my skirt revealing my green laced thong.

Kid, Soul, and black star got nose bleeds and fell to the floor. Patti squeaked "we have the same undies!" The rest of the group just stood there.

"Leave her alone!" Crona yelled as he uppercut the perv on his back. I stood in shock because I've never seen Crona act like that. 'Hes gotten really strong.. And sexy' I thought.

"What'd ya do that for?! I'll make you pay!" It yelled beating on my poor Crona

"Leave him alone" my voice turned dark. Everyone looked at me and that 'thing' shrugged and said something about "doing that the sexy lady said" and went away and leavening us in silence.

"Hey Estella, where are you gonna stay?" Maka asked as she put her book away into her bag. "Oh I'm staying with Stein" I smiled but it slowly faded when everyone started panicking. "What's wrong?" I asked.

"What's wrong?" BlackStar grabbed my shoulders and shakes me back and forth "he's crazy and hell do weird experiments on your beautiful body!" He yelled.

I blushed "please stop shaking me" I asked and he stopped but he picked me up and hugged me. "You can stay with Tubaski and I, right?" He asked the blackheaded girl. She smiled and nodded.

"Oh no no no" Kid grabbed me from BlackStar an shielded me " you'll ruin her symmetry! She'll stay with me" he tiled his head to where he could see me.

Soul sighed and grabbed my hand and drugged me over to Maka "guys your so uncool. Do you really think she wants to sleep in the same house as you? She needs somewhere cool and awesome. She'll stay with me"

I blushed as I was passed to each boy as they gave me reasons to stay with them. I looked over at Crona who looked sad as he stared at the ground. Seeing him like that really broke my heart.

"Guys please, I've already told him I would stay the night with him." I stated earning sad looks from the boys, Crona looked even sadder. "But" I said noticing te boys looking at me "but I can stay with each of you this week and I'll stay with whomever I like better while I'm here, ok?" I looked to see their approval and the all had smiles and nodded in agreement.

"After I stay with Stein, I'll stay with Crona through the weekend" he looked up at me with hope in his eyes. I smiled "then I guess you guys can decide who I will spend the night with next" I said

They glared at each other but I didn't care, all I want it to spend time with my Crona and make him happy.

I waved good bye to everyone and walked back to school before class started.

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