Bakugo Katsuki x Male Reader [Pt. 9]

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Was it too late to pray to the Gods for mercy?

Probably, yeah.

Thoroughly fucked and thoroughly out of breath, you peered up at your assailant, blinded by the sun shining behind him.
Your lungs were on fire, your legs were on fire, your everything was on fire, even the front of your shirt.

"Wh- FUCK! Wait wait wait wait!"

You begged for your and your shirt's life, grasping at Bakugo's arms, trying to pry them off, body lurching every which way, struggling underneath the boy.

Of course, he refused to budge and the cracking of his palms grew louder and louder.

"AHH FUCK! MERCY! Hey now- forgive me, alright?! We can pretend nothing happened! Just please don't kill me! I'll pay you back! I can- I can... I'll do anything you want, okay?!"

The crackling stopped and his grip seemed to loosen. Adjusting your eyes to his face, you were met with a wide eyed Bakugo. You scanned his face, still panting, wondering what miracle had occurred that made him stop.

His face was flushed, sweat dripped from his brow and made his hair stick to his forehead, and while not as sever as you, he was also panting for air.

He let go of your charred collar and covered his nose and mouth with his right hand.

"FUCK! YOUR FUCKING, DAMMNED QUIRK!" He yelled through his hand.

Oh right, your quirk.

While mostly useless except with romantic or sexual partners, you indeed do have one. It's essentially a very potent aphrodisiac and the source? Your breath. It doesn't have much potential unless you're mouth to mouth, but you see, you've been panting like hell and Bakugo catching a whiff of the sweet smelling fume was bound to happen.

You didn't have time to think much before Bakugo's other hand slammed on your face, covering your mouth as an attempt to prevent your quirk, but it was too late. His hand shook slightly and though it had a strong grip on your jaw, it weakened by the second. You could see his eyes beginning to fog over, his body started to slump over and his face flushed crimson.

Despite his best attempt to asphyxiate you, he didn't cover your nose, and you still being an unathletic piece of shit, were still breathing heavily so the pheromones continued to pollute the air between you two.

Eventually his grip on your face loosened enough to where you were able to pry him off your face. His eyes seemed unable to focus, pupils dilated. He bacame unable to hold himself and held himself up by resting the hand that previously gripped onto your face next to your head instead, hand visible shaking.

He glared down at you, unable to do anything. Despite the amount of sweat he was producing promising a deadly end if he so much as sparked it, he most likely couldn't as an unwilling lust plagued his mind.

Sensing an opportunity, you shifted underneath him.

Bad idea.

A choked gasp escaped the man above you, making you both freeze. Your shocked eyes met his hateful glare, or as hateful as he could make it considering the current state of his body.

Yeah, rubbing against him was probably not the greatest idea right now.

"Ok, Ok, Ok. Let's do this nice and slow," you breathlessly said.

"We'll get you off me and you can recover! We'll go nice and slow, okay? I'll try not to move to... minimize the friction, yeah?"

Bakugo glared in silent agreement, or so you interpreted but it would be strange if it wasn't so because, well, that would mean he wouldn't want to get off you and that would be weird.

You tentatively placed your hands on Bakugo's hips, resulting in a shudder from him but no objection. Settling with a semi firm grip, you gently tried to lift Bakugo off your body.

He trembled, and with a heave, removed the hand from his face, placing it on the other side of your head for attempted stability.

He looked... absolutely fucked out...

Saliva dripped from his panting mouth, his face had a deep flush to it, his eyes glassy, and his brow made a pathetic attempt at a frown. Though it was a very erotic sight, THIS WAS THE WROONG GUY.

Through your distraction, his thighs trembled and lost strength, sending him back down on your crotch.

Though you heaved from pain, he... did not.

A clear as day moan broke between you.

Bakugo's left arm also gave out, sending his forehead to smack against yours.

Fuck that hurt like a motherfucker.

You saw white for a few seconds, a painful thud echoing through your head before you noticed the male against you. He was trembling and gasping dryly.

Now you didn't have much practice with your quirk (go figure, you're a virgin) so driven by a panic that he might have overdosed on you, your forced both your bodies up.

A strangled cry broke out from Bakugo and he started to fall backwards from his position on your lap. Quickly gripping his upper arms, you stabilized him.

He had tears dripping down his reddened cheeks by this point, eyes wide open yet unfocused.

"Oh God, oh fuck! A-are you alright?? Can you breathe? Fuck! Oh my god, don't die! Take deep breaths, okay?!"

While you had committed many crimes against Bakugo, you sure as hell didn't want manslaughter as part of that list.

"Hey, breathe, okay? Take deep breaths. Try to get some fresh air in there."

That was probably the worst advice you could have given him considering your faces weren't even a foot apart.

He attempted to breathe as you said but only gasped in more of your air, making him wheeze and shudder. His hands shakily held on to your shoulders.

"...You... f...uck *wheeze* bastard..."

Was all he could manage before he went limp in your arms.


Yoo if it isn't your most hated author. Thank you thank you ♡

Now fellas would it be the RuriSky brand if there wasn't a year long hiatus? Noo it would not be!
So here I bring you your yearly crumb of an update. How the hell am I gonna fix reader and bakugo's relationship? I have no fucking idea! All I can do is just make more and more sexual tension.
This story also makes no sense so DONT QUESTION ANYTHING OKAY??? We are bullshitting this together ♡

How is this update? It's not so funny as the previous ones because well,, I lost my funny bone LMAO jk I just took this one somewhat more seriously than the others. Past me sure was a joker huh?

Anyways, I enjoy reading all your comments so keep leaving em. See ya next time whenever that may be~☆

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2022 ⏰

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