Bakugo Katsuki x Male Reader [Pt.6]

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The pit of your stomach sank the furthest it had ever sank in your entire life, even further than the time you destroyed your mother's tea set that had been passed down for generations. You felt your throat clamp up and your gaze slowly moved to meet eyes with the intruder, who's mood was becoming more and more impatient.

"Ooh... Uh.. H-haha? Hannya? Pick that up for me w-won't ya?"

Hannya looked like she just died there and then, her eyes were so wide with shock that they might as well just have popped right out. You felt terrible for putting her on the spot but you with this you might just be able to take control of the situation. Even if for half a second, spider man is distracted by Hannya, you could give him a harsh blow to the head and unarm him. Not that it would do much as he does have 6 arms and is built like a beast, but it could be worth a try.

Hannya seemed frozen for a couple seconds before she could move. Her movements seemed almost robotic. Her hand and arm shakily and warily moved towards the keys, any movement from the intruder causing her to flinch and halt.

Ever so slowly you tried reaching for the bat, keeping an eye out for any shifting of his head. Guy had 6 eyes and if one of them catches you, its probably game over for you and the tear and snot-stained damsel in distress.

Your fingertips grasped at the handle of the bat and you slowly let out a breath that you were holding. Hannya had just managed to get the keys in her grasp as well. This whole ordeal probably didn't last more than a minute but it felt like forever. The keys jingled in her grasp and that was your queue.

You quickly pushed the empty tip jar off the counter, sending it crashing on the ground, distracting the intruder. You raised the bat above your head and swung it down right against his skull. In the midst of the chaos Hannya scampered away from the scene and attempted hiding under one of the tables. Hidden within the sounds of crashing, shuffling, and gasping, there was a familiar jingle.

Dropping the bat, you snatched one of the intruder's guns and backed up, pointing it at him.

His face was in a grimace, his hand clutching at the back of his head. He turned to you with the other gun pointed at you. He opened his mouth to speak when-


A fiery blast hits the side of his head, sending him crashing against the wall beside him and you, Hannya's hoarse screech and sobs following close behind.

You quickly backed up and looked at the source, a coffee stained Bakugo with his signature scowl on his face.

" You piece of shit- You made me spill my coffee!"

You had never been so glad to see this bastard in your life.


Yuh its me. 1 year older, wiser, and a hell ovalot less cringy. Jesus. Y'all read this shit ??? Wack.

Anyways I'm planning to write the next chapter quickly and it should be out soon as this chapter is really short but I had to get it out for those who have been waiting. For real this time ofc. Dont know why y'all still save this story honestly, but I'm glad y'all still hope for an update :)

So goodnight, good morning, good evening and whatever other good time there is out there that you decided to grace me with your presence.

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