Bakugo Katsuki x Male Reader [Pt. 8]

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It took some time but your will was finally completed. Because of your soon-to-come death, your parents will receive most of your belongings, and your asshole friend that let this happen to you will receive your entire collection of gacha figures that you spent so much money on that you could probably pay another month's rent just because the machine happened to be on your way home and you were bored as hell plus a bit of being possessed by the spirit of a gambler.

You also quit your job because fuck that. You aren't sticking around to see which other gangster happens to show up next time.

Sighing, you shut off your phone as your instructor walked into the room to start the lesson. Honestly, you absolutely hated this teacher. Everything from the way he teaches to his quirk. You had no idea what it was but it comprised of mysterious lumps that you could call body parts moving around his face, every so often losing grip and falling to the floor, making a juicy 'THWAP' sound, and continuing to wiggle until it seemed to eventually die. What the actual fuck.

This class would leave you permanently traumatized but it was required. Jesus Christ...

After your weekly torture was over, you walked through campus, trying to avoid popular spaces and deciding to go through lass populated areas in order to decrease the chance of being spotted by Bakugo. Of course that probably wouldn't stop him from hunting you down like a wolf and eventually finding you, but you had to buy yourself time if you were going to try and figure out a way out of this with no solid plan.

You had also set your social media profiles to private as well as blocking any of his accounts you knew of as you didn't want Bakugo to know what you were up to or who you were hanging out with. At this point you should just get a new identity and move somewhere else, not that you could afford to of course...

While cautiously making your way across campus, you overheard a loud group of people.

"Dude! I don't get why you're mad at me! It's not like I was the one that did any of that! Listen up, you did this to yoursel- WAIT WAIT HOLD ON I WAS JUST KIDDING! Geez... why don't you take it out on the actual guy... Ah! Ahaha wait actually I think it might be him over there!"

Did you even have to think about it?

Like the devil himself was chasing after you, you set off running.

Hearing a familiar grinding of teeth and footsteps behind you instantly confirmed you suspicions. God, if you're listening to this, fuck you. Fuck you so much.

Of course, you were extremely athletic, as seen by your amazing track record of being a top athlete in school- not! You were quickly losing speed. Your lungs were already on fire. You turned a corner just to feel the wind of Bakugo flying by, narrowly missing you and setting a bit of distance between you.

You screamed in terror, continuing to run like you life depended on it, which honestly, it did.

Making your way out of campus, you made your way across traffic, cars angrily honking at you. The heat of the sun made if feel like you were actually already in hell, giving you a little glimpse of your future.

You ran like a sweat soaked penguin. Each stride you took felt like running through mud. Your face was red with exhaustion. Would you even make it back home at this pace? You could hear the angry honking of cars behind you, no doubt being Bakugo running atop their cars.

You saw a familiar face in the distance, your asshole friend that took you to that goddamned party.

"H-hEy AsShOLe -huff- GIVE ME YOUR BIKE!"

Your so called friend turned around confused, their bicycle next to them.

"What?! Why? I need it!"


That seemed to work as they lit up a bit at the mention of money and gladly lent you their bike.

"Tell me what's going on later, ok?"

You huffed in their direction and rode away in your new ride, your friend grunting a few moments after your majestic departure, seemingly having been bumped into, well, more like brutaly pushed aside by the most angry person on earth.

You furiously pedaled your way home, weaving through streets and taking shortcuts, hoping to lose Bakugo and make it home. I mean, what else were you supposed to do? Go to the police and tell them that you're being chased by an pissed off blonde who you drunkenly made out with at a party and they may or may not want your head served on a platter? Yeah, no. You might as well get blown to bits while you were reporting to the officer.

You ripped through a small shortcut in a park of some sort, bouncing around as you ran over small rocks and potholes. A strong gust of dust blew by you, clearing away to reveal Satan- I mean- Bakugo. You didn't even have time for your eyes to widen as he blast tackled you out of the bicycle and down into the small grassy slope that was behind you. You both tumbled down, all your belongings flying into the air, notebooks clutering down the hillside. Hidden rocks dug into your back as you slammed down at the base of the grassy hill with Bakugo on top of you, strong grip on your shirt collar. Both of you panting in exhaustion, dirty, grass stained, and sweaty.


Hello... its me. Sorry I haven't been updating at all lmfao. I usually only get small bursts of inspiration to write and then peace out for the rest of the year. My bad lol. Anyways, I love reading all the comments you guys leave. It really helps to know people look forward to the next chapter as it makes me want to write a new one even if I don't end up writing one. How is the new year treating yall? Let's hope it improves even just a bit from whatever the fuck last year was. I have a good idea for what next chapter is gonna look like btw. What do you think the reader's quirk is 🤔? Its based off of something that has already happened but its not blatantly stated. But whatever, good morning and good night everybody 😘~♡

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