Bakugo Katsuki x Male Reader [Pt.5]

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You walked towards the bathroom, broom in hand, with Hannya just barely nipping at your heels. 

"B-be careful, senpai. It seemed dangerous!" Hannya squeaked as you reached out to open the door.

You glanced at her and sighed. This girl must have had some serious spider trauma to blow it out of proportion so much.

"Haah... Hannya, how much damage can one spider do? What you saw probably wasn't even a spider, to begin with. Let's just get this over with." And with that said, you slammed open the door.

Only to immediately regret it.

You gasped and stumbled back as Hannya let out a banshee-like screech and fell on her bottom. A large figure with 6 arms stood in front of you, its back turned. 

"What the shit?!" You shouted, holding the broom defensively out in front of you.

The large figure slowly turned its head towards you, revealing three pairs of eyes that stared coldly at you. You took a step back and examined the stranger.

He was wearing a black tank top, or at least a modified version of one for each of his extra arms. He had a pair of loose gray sweatpants accompanied by some sneakers. His physique seemed relatively muscular seeing as his muscles were quite defined. He was quite a hairy lad, his forearms fairly covered by hair and the hair on his head was short and dark brown. His eyes were a pitch-black void devoid of any life, the extra sets above and below them.

Overall he looked pretty casual and normal if it wasn't for the fact that he had somehow managed to stay hidden in the bathrooms until 3 in the fucking morning. 

You swallowed hard and mustered up the courage to talk to the suspicious spider guy.

"H-hey, um, we're closing up the store so you should probably leave."

All of his six eyes narrowed, signalizing that this guy wasn't very happy with whatever just came out of your mouth, which wasn't very good considering he was easily a couple of heads taller than you or so and he was fucking swol.

"Yeah. No thanks."

And before you could even begin to think that taking the night shift in the sketchiest part of town was a bad idea, there was a gun aimed right at your forehead.

Hannya let out another loud and piercing shriek. You could hear her scampering away behind you but only to be stopped by another gun being pulled out and aimed at her. If the first scream was loud enough to have woken up everyone in the block, you were sure this one must've have woken up the whole city.

Your breath hitched and you dropped the broom. You knew the shop would've been burglarized at some point, but you didn't expect it to be this soon. And also, where in the ever-loving fuck did he get guns? Those things were extremely difficult to get your hands on. Plus, wasn't a gun a little bit of overkill? Dude was probably big enough to crush your skull like an apple in his hand anyways.

"L-listen buddy. We don't want any trouble. If you l-leave right now I won't say a word about this."

The stranger looked at you as if you were the dumbest person alive and huffed at your request.

"I went through so much trouble to stay here, do you really think I'd just leave?"

Well, at least it was worth a try.

The manager always kept a metal bat near the cash register for occasions like this. You weren't sure if you could do much with it against a gun but one hard blow to the head could probably knock the guy out. You just had to figure out how to get the bat without being shot first. You doubted Hannya would be able to do much as she was probably thinking that these were her final moments and had most likely given up any kind of hope but that might be just what you need.

"W-well, what is it that you want th-then?" You stuttered out.

Once again, he gave you a condescending look and gave a slight chuckle.

"Your boss owes us bad ya' know? After all, how do you think the shop made it this far without being robbed? Let's start with the spare change, shall we? Hmm~?" He rumbled, cocking his head towards the cash register.

You licked your dry lips and gave a quick glance at Hannya who was cowering by the wall, her whole body shivering and her face stained with tear and snot.

"S-shit. Alright. I- I got 'chu."

Swallowing the biggest lump, you quickly got to work.

You got up slowly while turning around, making eye contact with Hannya and giving her the most reassuring and confident smile while trying not to shit yourself in the process. Making your way over to the cash register, intruder following closely behind, you shakily grabbed a key ring from your pocket which contained all the keys you needed for locking up the shop.

You nervously looked for the correct key, your head in shambles trying to remember which was which as the color labels jumbled up in your head. The intruder cracked his neck impatiently and you jumped in response, sending the keys flying straight towards Hannya.


Yall what the fuck is up?! It's ya girl Ruri bringing back some more trash tier chapters which disappoint everyone jk jk

Anyways imma stop shitting on myself and tell y'all im sorry for making y'all wait so long. I kinda wasn't doing too good last year but im feeling better than ever and powered up to write about our dearest narcissist Bakugo.

I hope y'all like the chapter since i kinda had it chillin for a bit but i decided to not make it as long as to update quickly and let ya fellas know that i am gonna continue on!

As always please tell me if there are any mistakes in the chapter <3

See ya in the next chapter ya thirsty hoes~

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