Bakugo Katsuki x Male Reader [Pt.4]

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"I fucking knew it." He said, scowling.

"H-Hey, Bakugo. How've you been?" You stuttered.

You honestly wished you could've just died in an accident you had a while back. It wasn't the most pleasant thing to remember, but the embarrassment you felt from both the harassment and the party incident made you want to die. Though you are glad that you made it out fine.

He let go of your mask, the scowl still on his face.

"Fine until I saw your dumb ass face."

You chuckled nervously and scratched your cheeck.

"W-w-Ahem! Well anyway, that'll be 2-"


You  jumped in surprise but quickly grimaced. You had been interrupted once again by Hannya. Was this girl doing it on purpose?

You turned to look at her.

"A-ah... Yes?"

She ran out of the bathroom, mop in hand. She looked as if she had witnessed a murder. Her face was pale and her whole body trembled when she reached you.

Worried, you stepped out from behind the counter and set a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"What's wrong?"

She stuttered, unable to finish her sentence.


She lifted her arm to point towards the bathroom.

You lifted an eyebrow and turned towards the bathroom.

'What the hell was in the bathroom that would scare her so much?'

"Is there someone in-"



You wanted to strangle this girl. 

Don't get me wrong, you didn't really like spiders all that much either, they had too many legs. But to just run out of the bathroom like you were in a fucking marathon was a bit ridiculous. You wouldn't do that though.

"How big is it?"

She extended her arms outward and made a big circle.

"I-it was about this big!"

"Really?" You said with feigned shock.

She nodded quickly. 

You sighed and pat her head.

"I'll take care of it when I finish with him, okay?"

You walked back behind the counter, an awkward smile on your face.

"S-sorry, Bakugo. That'll be ¥270."

Bakugo dug around in his wallet for a few seconds before pulling out the needed money. He then proceeded to slam it down on the counter which resulted in you having the scare of your life. You gave Bakugo a nervous glance before taking the money. 

He huffed and turned to leave.

"A-ah wait!" You exclaimed.

Bakugo stood and looked at you, an annoyed look on his face.

"What? Make it quick. I've already spent too much time in here."

You laughed nervously and looked away.

" you rember anything about the party?"

He frowned and gave you a questioning look.

"What? What the fuck are you talking about dipshit?"

Sighing in relief that you didn't have another reason to be killed by him, you continued.

"N-nevermind. It's nothing!"

His frown deep end and he continued walking, mumbling 'fucking weirdo' and the like.

You sighed and walked to the bathroom.

That was as good the first meeting after the party incident could have gone.

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