Bakugo Katsuki x Male Reader [Pt.2]

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You and Bakugo sat facing each other on the large table, beer cans surrounding you, waiting to be opened. You gulped, suddenly feeling a wave of dread washing over you.

You knew why.

It wasn't the first time you had drank liquor no would it be the last but you had gotten drunk before, and boy were you not amused when (F/N) showed you a video of the previous night's events. You could still hear your friend laughing at your expression from seeing you having a hardcore make-out session with an unknown and equally inebriated guy. Don't get me wrong, he wasn't unattractive, in fact, he was super fucking hot and you had no idea how this guy even decided you were worth kissing let alone almost fucking. (F/N) had stopped you before you guys got that far.

After high school, you had decided to end your teenage boy mentality of making sexual jokes and decided to become more adult. Of course, this part of you came out every time you got drunk, causing you to avoid drinking and become the designated driver anytime your small group of friends decided to go out despite your high alcohol tolerance.

Feeling somebody's eyes, you looked up only for (E/C) to clash with a deep red. You stared into each others eyes for a couple of seconds before breaking your gaze and looking towards a pink haired girl.

"All right, here are the rules! You must drink every last drop of each can. If you vomit, pass out, fall, and/or stop, you're done and you loose. Looser has to do whatever the winner says for the rest of the party. Drinking too slow will also cause you to loose." A crowd had gathered making the girl grin.

"On my mark!" She started.

You took a big breath of air and exhaled.

"Get set!"

You put your finger under the can tab.


You quickly open the can before chugging or with all your might, Bakugo doing the same. The crowd started cheering and making and making bets on who the winner might be.

You hadn't felt this competitive in years but you were sure as hell not loosing and doing whatever Bakugo says. Who knows what that guy would make you do. Lick his shoes as an apology probably.

You were now on your fifth can along with Bakugo, Bakugo still going strong despite his earlier competition. You could already feel your body become warmer as you finished your last gulp, going on to open up your sixth can.

After a good 3 minutes you both started slowing down more and more. Cans littered the table, some on the floor. You weren't sure how many cans you had drowned down but you already knew you were drunk by the comments you made in-between cans to which Bakugo responded with a 'Shut up, shit head'.

You were so lost in drinking that you didn't even notice Bakugo had quit until the pink girl announced it. The crowd either cheered or groaned, some passing each other money from bets. You spit out what you had been drinking, deciding it was useless to keep drinking after the competition was over. Looking towards Bakugo, you noticed his hand was still around the can, his head on the table.

"Wow, Katsuki-kun, you really won that one." You said with a sly smile, crossing your hands before resting your head on them, no trace of the quiet (Y/N) from before remaining. You had gone back to your high school persona.

Bakugo crushed the can in his hand before looking at you, his irritation obvious on his face. "Shut the fuck up!" He slurred, his voice just below a scream. You laughed at his reaction which only pissed the drunk off further. Standing up, you began thinking about what you were going to make him do.

"Hmm... What should your punishment be, Katsuki-kun~? Should I have you spread your legs for me? Ah! I can already hear your moans~." You purred, obviously trying to get him angrier, succeeding with flying colors.

Bakugo stood up, grabbed the front of your hoodie and pushed you towards the wall, his eyes a blazing fire. "Shut your fucking mouth." He stated, the tone of his voice lower and more dangerous than before. You, having your common sense fogged up by liquor decided to further. "Oho, Katsuki-kun~? Getting excited about your punishment already?" You said, wrapping your arms around his neck, pulling him so your mouth was next to his ear. "I promise it'll feel good." You whispered into his ear before licking it.

This sent a shiver through Bakugo. "Let me go you fuck head." He said, though he made no move to leave. This caused you to smirk and slide your hands down to waist. You ran your tongue from his ear down to his neck, sucking lightly. You heard Bakugo let out a small groan and switched positions so that he had his back on the wall, your right hand still on his waist, the other on the wall next to his head.

"You seem to be enjoying this though, no?" You said in a whisper. You stared into his red eyes, now clouded from the alcohol and lust. He looked away, his face flushed from alcohol and embarrassment. Leaning forward you kissed him, slipping your tongue in with little resistance from the other male. You felt his hands slide to the back of your head and push you closer, deepening the kiss. Smirking, you complied.

You slid your hand down the back of his thigh, pulling it up to your waist while moving one of your legs forward to grind him. He let out a choked moan, interrupting your kiss.

Pulling away, A string of saliva connecting your tongues, you could feel him start become erect from your leg grinding up against him. You chucked before moving your right hand towards the band of his boxers. Before you could get any further somebody grabbed you by your hood and pulled you back. Stopping you from going too far once again.

"Woah there, lover boy! I leave you for a few and I come back to see you getting it on with sparky boy. I can never leave you alone with alcohol unsupervised, can I?"

You looked towards the voice and spotted (F/N), surprisingly still sober. "What are you doing here? Thought you were gonna drink." You slurred. (F/N) sighed in exasperation, pulling you away from Bakugo to the front door. "I didn't feel like drinking today. Plus, the beer tastes like shit." They opened the front door, bidding goodbyes to some people before shoving you into their car. "You're lucky I got there before you did some really regrettable stuff." They said, wiggling their brows. "Let's go home now." They continued, starting the car up and getting on the road.

Let's just say you remembered everything that happened the next morning alongside a massive hangover.


Lolol I was planning on making this a lemon but decided against it.

Hope you enjoyed it despite it being so shitty~

Again, remind me of any spelling mistakes.

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