Bakugo Katsuki x Male Reader

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It was a typical college party. Students drunk off their asses, some having a hardcore make-out sessions with strangers, and others chilling in the corners, talking with other sober people.

You were one of those people.

You had only come because your friend, (F/N), had urged you to. They had insisted on you coming because they knew you wouldn't drink, and would be there to haul their drunk ass back home. You also worried about your friend. Having (F/N) drunk in a sea of horny intoxicated people with no one to keep them in check did not seem like an ideal situation for them. The last reason was that they had sneakily added that they might buy you that new video game you had your eyes on since it was announced. And boy, did you regret agreeing to coming.

(F/N) had ditched you as soon as you stepped in, leaving you alone and with no one to talk to. Sure, you saw some people you recognised from some of your classes, but none of which you actually considered a friend. So there you stood, holding a red plastic cup half full with juice.

You ran a hand through your recently cut (H/C) hair and sighed. You had chosen to wear a white hoodie along with ripped jeans and black converse really didn't want to be in this party anyways so might as well dress comfortably.

You were caught out of your thoughts when you heard some yelling. Something about not being a pussy and accepting a challenge. This was followed by a crowd chanting 'Chug! Chug! Chug!'.

You put down your cup and walked up to the crowd curiously trying to get a peek at what was going on. An ash blonde guy, whom you recognised as Bakugo, was having a drinking contest with another blonde guy with a black lighting bolt streak. You sighed and was about to leave when the crowd had sucked you in. Now you had an unwanted front row view of the guys drinking like it was their last day in Earth, many beer cans littered aound them. It wasn't exactly your type of amusement but it was much better than standing in a corner so you decided to stay and watch.

It went on for a good while until the guy with the black streak, who's name you learned was Kaminari from some of his friends yelling, had to stop and run to the bathroom. You scrunched up your nose in disgust before making your way out of the crowd and back to your beloved corner. You didn't last ten seconds before an arm slammed next to you, the strong smell of liquor following it.

You jumped, startled, looked towards the culprit. It was Bakugo, drunk beyond belief. You stared at him confused before questioning his actions, "What? Why..?" The answer seemed painfully obvious to Bakugo who frowned, hands starting to spark before responding, "You know why, (Y/N)." This confused you more than before and you made the mental note that if he bothered to remember your name, then it must've been serious. You had only known Bakugo in middle school and had often teased him for his amusing reactions. Other than that, you never talked with the blonde boy . That seemed like the only plausible reason why he would be this angry with you.

You looked at him, being only a few inches taller than him and cautiously replied, "Is this about the teasing..?". This seemed to anger Bakugo further. "No shit, bitch!" He replied. "I still remember all that shit you pulled off!" He added.

Maybe you hadn't been completely honest about it being just teasing. It was more like harassment now that you thought about it. You would occasionally smack his ass while passing him in the hallway and whisper obscene things that you would do to him into his ears while he was working.

You blushed and groaned in embarrassment, covering your face with one hand as you looked down, remembering all the stupid things you had done as a teenage boy. God, why did you ever think that was a good idea? You looked back towards Bakugo, "Look I'm sorry for what I did. I-" You were interrupted by Bakugo's quirk going off next to your ear. The whole party stopped to look at the source of the sound: the drinking contest guy and some random kid.

You looked at him in shock, your ear ringing. "Sorry doesn't fucking cut it." He continued. You coughed awkwardly feeling the stares before saying, "Then what would?".

You honestly wanted this guy to stop keeping you at a kabedon and leave you alone. Bakugo, in his drunken state, had obviously not thought this through enough by the shocked look on his face. A few seconds passed before his frown returned and he tauntingly said, "How 'bout a drinking contest? First person to quit has to do what the winner says for the rest of the party"

A drinking contest? Are you fucking kidding me? Of course that would be the answer of a competitive drunkard. Why had you expected anything else? This guy was going to die of alcohol poisoning before the end of the night.

You weighed your options, deeming it safe enough to do since you were pretty good at holding your alcohol.

"Sure, I'll take you on."


Jesus Christ its fucking 2 AM

R.I.P me

Please tell me if there are any mistakes

I'll have more action in the next chapter, I promise!!!

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