Chapter 3

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We walked back into Ricky's hospital room. Tears stained my cheeks. I sat next to Ricky.

"You alright Mel?" Jc asked

I nodded. Tears fell down my cheeks. I put my hand on Ricky's hand. The nurse cleared him to go him and took the head part of the cast off. She loosened the rest of the cast so we could take it off bit by bit. I helped him into the wheelchair. They let me wheel him to the car. I helped him in and put the wheelchair in the back before getting in the car myself. Jc drove home. I sat in the car with my head on Kian's shoulder. When we got home, I wheeled Ricky into the house. I sat him on the couch. I sat next to him. Tears rolled down my cheeks.

"You okay?" Ricky asked

I looked at my hands. "I'm sorry this happened. This is all my fault." I said

"This isn't your fault." Ricky said

"If I just stayed here with you, James wouldn't be trying to hurt everyone I love." I said

I placed my hand on his cheek.

"Mel, what are you doing?" Connor asked

"Sh." I said

I placed my other hand on the cast over Ricky's heart. Connor closed the windows. Everyone was gathered downstairs. Ricky's eyes were filled with fear. I focused on what I wanted. I wanted Ricky to be healed and better. A golden light started flowing from my hands. I smiled. Then the light stopped. I ripped the cast off slowly. I stood up. Ricky reached out for me. I grabbed his arms. I helped him stand. He was wobbly at first but he gained his balance. Ricky smiled. He pulled me into a hug.

"Thank you." Ricky said pulling away

"You can't tell anyone about this. Stay here for three weeks. Maybe two." I said

I went upstairs to my room. Kian followed me. I sat on my bed.

"Mel, it's okay." Kian said, sitting down next to me

"I know." I said

We stood up and walked downstairs. Ricky was sitting on the couch. Kian, Jc and Sam went out. It was just me, Ricky, Connor, and Trevor at the house. Connor was upstairs recording with Trevor. I sat next to Ricky.

"You hungry?" I asked

"Yea. I'll get something." Ricky said

Ricky got up and went into the kitchen. I went upstairs to check on Trevor. Him and Connor were answering some questions.

"Look who it is." Trevor said

I walked in and sat down in between them.

"We actually need you for this question." Connor said

"What is Melissa's favorite color?" Trevor read

"Purple." Connor said




"It's gold Connor." Trevor said

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