Chapter 9

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We walked to Jc's car. Trevor came running out. He almost tackled me. I hugged him.

"How long have you been here?" Trevor asked

"Too long." I said

We got in the car and drove the hour drive to the O2L house. I fell asleep with my head on Kian's shoulder. I woke to Jc slamming on the brakes. I slammed my head on the seat in front of me.

"You okay?" Kian asked

"Yeah." I said

"We are home." Jc said

I climbed out. Then I saw it. Kian's car on the side of the road. His body being pulled from the car. The image changed. Trevor was crying in his room. Crying for me. The image changed again. My mother dying. Kian and Jc looking for me. I stumbled backwards. When I looked at my hands, I was holding a gun. It was pointed at Kian. I dropped it and gasped. I ran. I didn't know where I was going but I ran. I found the beach halfway between L.A. and the O2L house. I pulled out my phone and called Niall.

"Hello?" Niall said

"Niall, I need you. I'm at our beach." I said

"I'm coming." Niall said

I hung up. 30 minutes later, Jc and Niall showed up. I quickly climbed into Niall's car and he drove off.

"What happened? Why are you running from Kian?" Niall said

"That was Jc." I said

"Still what did you do?"

"I don't know. I just had some weird visions and when they cleared, I was holding a gun at Kian." I said

Tears ran down my cheeks.

"It's okay Em. You didn't mean to and you didn't know what was happening." Niall said

We arrived at his house minutes later. I got out.

"Where are the guys?" I asked

"In the back. I told them I was going to the store." Niall said

We walked into the house. Harry, Zayn, Liam and Louis were all sitting on the couch. They bolted up when they saw Niall.

"We were worried! You were gone for an hour." Louis said

Harry saw my tear stained cheeks and walked over to me.

"What happened?" Harry asked

"I don't know. I was having a vision and when it cleared, I was- I was, holding a gun to Kian." I said with tears spilling onto my cheeks

"It's alright Em." Harry said pulling me into a hug

I pulled back. I went upstairs to the guest bedroom. I sat on the bed. The doorbell rang an hour later. I got up and walked downstairs.

"You can get it Em." Harry said

I walked over to the door and opened it. Jc was standing there. I walked outside and closed the door.

"Mel, what did you do?" Jc said

"I don't know Jc. I honestly don't know. I just scares me that I can come out of a vision and have a gun pointed at Kian." I whispered

"You can't just run off with Niall either. Please just come home. Trevor needs you more than anything right now. They found your mother's body this morning."

"Lets go." I said

We drove back to the house. When we got there, I saw Ricky sitting on the front porch. I got out and ran over to him.

"Go inside! I'm fine! GO!" Ricky yelled

I ran into the house. Trevor was lying on the floor sobbing and Kian had blood all over his arm. I ran to Trevor and held him in my arms.

"She's gone." Trevor sobbed

"I know. Sh." I whispered

I rocked him back and forth. After a while he pushed me away and told me to help Kian. I got up and went over to Kian. There was a bloody knife in front of him on the floor. His face was tear stained and is hands and left arm were covered in blood.

"What did you do?" I half yelled

"Mel, its not what it looks like." Kian said

"Than what is this?" I yelled

Kian sat there silent. I got up and got a wet rag and bandages. I went back to Kian. I washed his arm and hands off revealing cut marks all over his arm. I wrapped his arm and washed out the rag. Then I went outside and sat on the porch. I held my head in my hands and let the tears fall down my cheeks. Then the door opened and Jc came and sat down beside me.

"You okay?" Jc asked

"I can't handle this anymore." I whispered

Jc pulled me closer to him. His arm was around my shoulders.

"It's okay Mel. You can go with Niall for a while. How ever long you need. I understand. I'll drive you there." Jc said

We got in his car. We drove the hour drive to Niall's house. I opened my phone. There were several worried texts from the guys.

Niall: where are you em

Louis: come back

Harry: i don't know where you've gone but either come back or text me saying everything is ok

Louis: EM

Zayn: plz come back em

I closed my phone. Then it started ringing. I looked at the caller ID. Kian. I picked it up.

"Mel, where did you go?" Kian said

I handed my phone to Jc. He pulled into Niall's driveway.

"What do you want Kian?" Jc said as he put it on speaker

"Where did you take her?" Kian said

"She can't handle the fact that you cut yourself so I took her somewhere far away from the house." Jc said

"SHE CAN'T GO THERE!" Kian yelled


I hung up. Jc put a hand on my shoulder.

"Go. It'll be good for you to get away. I'll call you if Trevor or anyone needs anything." Jc said

"Thank you Jc." I said

I got out of the car. I called Niall and banged on the door at the same time. Niall picked up.

"Hold on someone's at the door." Niall said

Niall opened the door. He hung up and laughed. We walked inside. Niall closed the door behind me. Harry almost tackled me.

"You scared the crap out of me Em." Harry said

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