Chapter 7

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Kian's POV

I woke up in a hospital. No one was by my side. I was covered in scratches and cuts. I had a cast on my arm. My left arm. I wouldn't be able to write. That's okay. I pressed the nurse button and a nurse came racing in.

"Where is everyone?" I asked

"Who are you looking for?" she asked

"My family and my friends where are they?" I asked

"We didn't contact them."

"Give me a phone. My phone. Give it to me."

She handed me my phone. I called Jc. I rang and rang. He finally picked up.

"Kian?" Jc said "Are you hurt? Is Mel with you?"

"Slow down. One question at a time." I said

I heard Jc put it on speaker.

"Are you hurt?" Jc asked

"Yeah I'm hurt. Broke my arm." I said

"What hospital are you at?" Sam asked

I could hear the ache and heartbreak in his voice.

"Come to the hospital closest to the house." I said

"We'll be there in a minute." Jc said

I hung up. I handed my phone back to the nurse. She put it in a tall cabinet in the corner of my room. She walked out. 5 minutes later, Jc, Sam, Connor, Ricky and Trevor came in. Mel didn't come in. Maybe she wanted to spend some time with me alone. Sam sat beside me. Everyone was quiet.

"Why are you so quiet?" I asked

"Let's just say that a lot has happened today." Jc said

"What happened today?" I asked

"First, you wrecked your car and made Mel into a wreck. Then Mel left the house and we haven't seen her since." Sam said

"What?" I yelled "Where is she? Have you tried calling her?"

"She left her phone beside this box in your room."

Jc handed me a golden box with golden ribbon. The note was still attached. I wanted to give this to her today. It had a gold necklace that her mom had given me before we left.

"What's in it?" Trevor asked

I opened the terribly wrapped box. The necklace was still sitting in there. I closed the box and pulled the ribbon over it.

"We also found this." Connor said

Connor handed me a beige box. There was a note on the top.

This contains nothing because I am nothing. I have run away. I will not come back. Kian is dead. Kian is dead. I am dead. I am dead.

I dropped the box. She thinks I'm dead.

"She's gonna kill herself." I whispered

Sam came closer to my ear.

"I thought she couldn't die." Sam whispered

"She can. Her heel. She was saying something about her heel." I said

"We have to find her." Ricky said

I picked up the box. I opened it. There was a California Poppy in it.

"What is it?" Connor asked

"Its a hint." I said

I pulled the poppy out and laid it on the bed. There was a Los Angeles T-shirt in the bottom.

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