Chapter 15

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I stood beside John's car. I heard something strange. My mother's voice.

"Melissa, if you can hear me, move something." she said

I opened my eyes. I was in the hospital. Max, my mother, father, Tom, and John were standing or sitting near my bed. I looked around. My mother was still alive. I tried to sit up. Max stood up and gently laid me back down.

"Not yet baby." Max said

Baby? Are we still dating?

"What's going on?" I said

"You got into a car accident and you've been in a coma for 3 months." mom said

"Can you help me sit up?" I asked

Max and my mother helped sit me up. I put my head into my hands. I explained to the what happened.

"You were dreaming honey." dad said

I knew 2 things now:

Max was still my boyfriend

My mom was still alive.

It was all just a dream.

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