Chapter 1- Bad Dreams -

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"oh Jean, I don't feel very wel~"
Lisa collapsed falling to the floor.
"Oh my Barbatos!!!"
Jean fell on her knees to Lisa's side looking for a pulse. She couldn't find one and started pressing Lisa's chest and performing mouth to mouth.
"Somebody please, help please!!!" Jean sobbing as she screamed these words
"What's up Jea~ OMB what the hell happened!!!" Screamed Kaeya
"I don't know, one minute we were talking and the next she fell to the ground and I couldn't find a pulse anywhere. Please go get Barbara." Jean was crying hysterically. Kaeya ran out of headquarters all the way to the church, found Barbara and brought her back to Jean's office where Lisa lay lifeless in the doorway. Jean hadn't given up on Lisa and kept performing CPR on her but Barbara could tell just looking at Lisa she was too far gone and her powers would do nothing but hold off the inevitable. Barbara shook her head at Kaeya and he knew Lisa was gone. Both Kaeya and Barbara started to tear up at the site of a lifeless Lisa and a sobbing Jean on the floor.
"Why aren't you doing anything?" Jean cried. She knew what Barbara was going to say but she couldn't accept it.
"Look Jean, I could use my healing but it wouldn't do anything she would eventually go." Barbara cut herself off as she could feel a knot forming at the back of her throat from having to tell her sister this horrible news.
"How long, how long could she live if you used your powers?" Jean softly asked.
"Days, weeks maybe even months but you don't understand I can feel her, she's in a lot of pain. If I used my powers she'd be like this unconcious and in pain, if you love her you would let her go now." Barbara and Jean were almost crying in unison together now. Barbara was going to have to end Lisa's life now to put her out of her misery and even though Jean knew it was the best thing to do for Lisa she couldn't help but burst into a stream of uncontrollable tears.
"Come on Jean, you shouldn't have to watch this." Kaeya put his hand on Jean's shoulder and tried to get Jean to exit the room.
"No! I'm not leaving her, I can't leave her."
"Jean, you should go with Kaeya, you don't want to see what I'm about to do." Barbara agreed in a sturn voice. Jean listened to her younger sister and left the room with her friend Kaeya.
Now Jean was out of the room Barbara could begin the process. It would be peaceful for Lisa it would let her escape the pain she was in. Barbara would sort of drain the life from Lisa. Although it sounds bad Barbara was being a good and brave person for doing this.
"Okay, don't worry Barbara this is the right thing you are doing." Barbara said to herself, her voice was shaking, she too was a good friend of Lisa's and it was hard for her to do this.
She felt the moment Lisa was gone and she couldn't help but begin crying again, they could hear her from outside and this is how Jean and Kaeya knew when Lisa was dead.


Jean woke up in a sweat, tears streaming down her cheeks. It was 3 in the morning as she recalled the terrible dream she just had. She reached out for her phone and called Lisa, relived when the woman picked up the phone.
"Hello, Jean it that you?" Lisa asked, she was confused as she had been woken up from a deep slumber.
"Yes yes it's me, oh Lisa your okay, thank Barbatos your okay!!!" Jean shouted
"What, Jean are you alright." Lisa heard the panic and then relief in Jean's voice.
"Stay there, I'll be right over." Continued Lisa. She hung up the phone and got to Jean's house (aka, above her office in headquarters).

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