Chapter 2 - Wishful Thinking -

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Lisa was true to her words and was at Jean's place in 10 minutes. Lisa has been here so many times she doesn't even knock anymore she just waltzes in like she lived there which Jean loved.
"Jean are you okay you seemed panicky on the phone."
"I'm fine, I just had a bad dream and I was scared." Jean replied
Jean didn't want Lisa to know she died in the dream, if Jean was being honest she didn't want Lisa to know she was dreaming of her in general.
"Poor thing, I'll make us some tea." Lisa smiled at Jean to calm her down and it worked.
"Will you stay with me tonight, please" asked Jean in a small voice.
Lisa was already in the kitchen boiling the kettle. She looked back and smiled
"Well of course cutie."
After the kettle finished boiling she poured two cups of tea and brought them over to the bed where Jean was already sitting. While she drank her tea Lisa sat on the edge of the bed but once she finished her drink she climbed into bed with Jean.
"Come here." Lisa said with open arms. Jean immediately shuffled closer and layed her head on Lisa's chest. She could hear Lisa's heartbeat and it made her feel safe.
"Thankyou." Jean said in a quite voice.
"Anytime sweetie." Replied lisa.

A few hours later

Jean was asleep still liying on Lisa but Lisa was already three-quarters of the way through one of Jean's sappy romance novels. When Jean woke up she had a big smile on her face.
"Morning cutie." Laughed Lisa. Jean got out of bed and Lisa immediately knew what Jean was looking for. She was looking for her shoes so she could go to Diluc's to get her favourite coffee.
"I'll go to Diluc's you stay in bed." Said Lisa.
Then Jean had the brilliant idea
"What if I get Diluc to deliver coffee to us."
Lisa had a very confused look on her face as she knew Diluc didn't do delivery and she didn't like it when Jean even mentioned Diluc after what he did to her in the past.
"Does Diluc even do deliveries?"
"He does for me." Jean laughed and Lisa joined in. Jean grabbed her phone and called Diluc.
"Hey Diluc could you maybe bring two coffees up to my room, pleeeeeease" begged Jean.
"Sure thing, I'll be up in five." Diluc laughed at the sound of Jean's voice. It was obvious to everyone but Jean that Diluc had a huge crush on Jean like it was obvious to everyone that Jean had a huge crush on Lisa  and only Lisa didn't know, even Diluc knew deep down he just didn't want to accept it. Nobody knew where Lisa stood in all of this as she hid her feelings very well although Diluc knew in his head that Lisa also liked Jean. The two of them viewed each other as their competition. This was a competition where Lisa was very clearly winning. Resulting from this Diluc would treat Lisa quite meanly and publicly as well which had caused some problems in the past. It wasn't unusual for Jean to order more than one coffee so it was quite a shock and disappointment to him when he knocked on the door and Lisa answered. Diluc brushed past Lisa at the door and put a paper brown bad on the counter.
"Where's Jean?" Diluc asked harshly.
"She's in the bathroom getting changed." Lisa bluntly replied. The two stood there in complete silence for what felt like an eternity until Jean finally entered the room again.
"Hey Diluc thanks so much for coming, I hope it wasn't of any inconvenience." Smiled Jean.
"Anything for you love, I bought you some breakfast as well." Smiled Diluc. Lisa was on the other side of the room making the bed and lucky so, if Lisa heard Diluc call Jean love he would be nothing but a pile of ash and purple smoke. Diluc always called Jean love just not in front of Lisa. Jean overlooked the love thing thinking it was just the way he spoke to people when really he only said it to her hoping she would eventually take the hint.
"Hey Jean would you walk me out." Asked Diluc.
"Sure thing." Replied Jean "I'll be back in a moment Lisa." Jean then shouted. Once they were both out the door away from Lisa Diluc finally spoke again
"Okay what's going on with Rosey in there?"
Snaped Diluc.(Rosey was his snarky nick name for Lisa, meaning it as an insult but Lisa actually kind of liked it.)
"What do you mean, nothing is going on." Jean couldn't help but chuckle as waking up to the site of Lisa he'd put her in a very bubbly mood.
"Why are you blushing, your seriously not blushing over her." Snarled Diluc.
"You know what Diluc this really isn't any of your business, so thanks for the coffee and food but if you won't be nice you can leave!" Jean was starting to get annoyed.
"Fine! If you really feel that way, I'll go but your being and idiot falling for her!" And with that Diluc walked out of headquarters probably back to the tavern. Jean was angry at Diluc now he had no right talking to her like that.
On the way back to the tavern Diluc couldn't help but feel sorry for himself, how could she want Lisa in stead of me he thought. Then he stared thinking what it would have been like if it was him there this morning. He liked this train of thought about him and Jean and day dreamed about it all the way back to the tavern where he then opened up for the day.

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