Chapter 6 - I'm going to fucking kill someone -

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Kaeya was sprinting through Monstatdt up towards the cathedral. He slammed the door open.
"Help somebody help." Kaeya shouted loosing breath. Jean turned around to face the panting man in the doorway. " It's Lisa." He said trying to catch his breath. Jean immediately reacted and ran out the cathedral back towards headquarters swiftly followed by Kaeya and Barbara.
When Jean entered the room she was horrified by what she saw. Blood everywhere, Lisa was bleeding out uncontrollably from her eyes, ears, mouth and nose. Diluc was still there trying to keep her alive but his efforts were useless.
"What the fuck happened here." Jean screamed at Diluc.
"I-I-I don't know." He stuttered, of course he was lying. Jean ran over to Lisa and lifted her head up so she could place it on her lap, she gently careressed Lisa's face whispering.
"It's gonna be okay, your gonna be okay." Now at this point she was crying. "Please don't die, I-I love you so please don't die." Even though considering the circumstances these words still hurt Diluc. Barbara came over to try and heal Lisa but when she did she found something very strange.
"What's wrong?" Jean asked seeing the expression on Barbara's face."
"My healing, it can't fix this. Lisa she was poisoned." Jean's face amediately turned sour after her little sister said this. She slid Lisa's head off her lap and walked to the door clutching the handle of her sword that was still in its carrier.
"Jean wher on earth are you going? " Diluc asked.
"I'm going to fucking kill someone.  Somebody hurt her, so now I must hurt them." Jean replied with a tear running down her cheek.
"That's crazy, you don't even know who did it." Diluc said quite scared of Jean."
"I will and when I do that person will wish that they were never born." With that Jean left the room leaving Diluc with a very scared look apon his face.


I'm rlly sorry for the long wait and short chapter. Bro I rlly hate school 😭

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