- Chapter 9 - Thank the lord Barbatos

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Jean, Kaeya and Diluc ran downstairs to the library where they hoped they could find the flower they needed to save Lisa. Kaeya had the idea to wall in-between Jean and Diluc just because he didn't trust Jean to not kill Diluc the second she got close enough.
"Shit guys, the door's locked. She must have closed it when she was sick." Kaeya said trying to still break open the door.
"No worries." Diluc smirked getting ready to burn the lock off with his vision.
"Or I can just unlock it." Jean said waving the key in both of the men's face's.
"Move out the way." She continued shoving Diluc out the way.
"How on earth did you get THAT." Kaeya asked astounded by the fact she had a key to Lisa's sacred place.
"I'm the acting grand master, I have the key to everything." Jean smirked. After Jean had her boss bitch moment she unlocked the door ant let the guys in the library "accidentally" letting the door slam into Diluc on his way in.
"Why would someone lock up a library anyway?" Diluc questioned with a snark to his tone.
"I'm guessing the reason we're in here right now."Kaeya replied.
"Kaeya's right, no wonder they would only trust the most powerful mage to go through the Akademiya to be the librarian, this place has more secrets than we realize. Jean added as she neared the section where all of the forbidden books were.
"Now I know even as the acting grand master you don't have a key to this." Kaeya said smugly.
"Not as the acting grand master but as Lisa's best friend, she lets me back here when I wanna be alone." Jean sighed selecting  another key from her keychain. She unlocked the fence between them and the restricted section. Kaeya and Diluc we kind of excited to enter as they would be some of only four people to ever enter the restricted section (the four were Jean, Lisa, Kaeya and Diluc if you didn't realize). Kaeya traced the shelves of books seeing hundreds based on the secrets of the kingdom of Kheanri'ah and the abyss order.
"I definitely gonna need to come back here sometime." Kaeya stuttered.
"NO! Once we wake Lisa up she can't know you two were back here." Jean shouted.
"Fine." Both Kaeya and Diluc groaned in unison.
"Where does the note say it is again?" Jean asked.
"Umm, it says beneath the ground, so there must be a secret compartment." Diluc said as he put the note back in his pocket.
"Okay, so look for secret openings on the floor and bottom bookshelves." Kaeya suggested. After a while of looking Jean finally came across a little compartment hidden behind some books.
"Guys, I think I found it." She shouted excites. She wiggled out the little box until she could see what was inside. When she looked at the box she was horrified to see it empty.
"No, no, no." She cried digging herself into the fetal position. " This was our only chance to save her." She continued. Kaeya came to sit down next to her, he wished he could say it was gonna be okay but in reality there was nothing for him to say.
"Shit, no, what have I done." Diluc cried from across the room. Jean took her head out from between her legs and stared down Diluc. She stood up took out her sword and stamped her way over to Diluc with the weapon pointed to him.
"Well maybe if you didn't fucking poison Lisa we wouldn't be here right now!" Jean shouted in rage. She swung the sword across Diluc's face with all of her might, Diluc only missing the fatal blow by the grit of his teeth. He lifted his hand to his cheek feeling the cut left there buy Jean looking at her in complete shock.
"Woah Jean calm down, let's not resort to killing Diluc just yet. Are we sure that the flower can't be found anywhere else?" Kaeya said grabbing Jean back by one of her arms.
"The note was pretty clear, don't you think." Jean snarled while using her free arm to dry her tears.
" Well do we even know what this flower looks like?" Kaeya asked
"Ughhh, here's a picture." Diluc said as he grabbed a book of the shelf and opened it onto the page.
"Wait a minute, I know this flower." Jean gasped, she immediately ran out of the library up the stairs back into her room, shortly follower by the others.
"Here." Jean said as she pulled a beautiful golden flower out of a vase next to her bed.
"Lisa gave it to me a few days ago, she said she found it in her library and it reminded her of me." Jean continued as she compared the flower to the one in the book.
"Yep this looks right " Kaeya smiled as he tooke the flower from Jean's hands.
"I'll prepare and elixir with the flower to give to her " Barbara said as she then took the flower from Kaeya.

5 minutes later

"Here it is." Barbara said as she left the kitchen walking over to Lisa.
"How long should it take to work?" Jean asked, she was no sitting on the bed with Lisa's head in her lap holding her hand.
" If it works, then right away." Barbara replied. She slowly injected the golden liquid into Lisa's free arm and waited patiently with the others.
"Why is nothing happening?" Jean said looking quite scared it won't work.
"Just give it a second." Barbara replied.
"This isn't working maybe we got the receipt wrong or-"
Cough cough
"Lisa?" Jean's eyes widened.
Cough cough
"Jean?" It was Lisa.

------------------------------------------------------------------- yay I did it. Thx so much for reading the next chapter will be out soon. We also have a new book that just came out called 'the runaway bride' and we'd rlly appreciate it if  you checked it out. I also will have a new book coming out and this one is a bubbline one (princess bubblegum and marceline from adventure time.) Incase u also rlly like that ship aswell 🥰😘

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