Chapter seven - Yes, I made Ryan Ross a prostitute. Sorry, Ryan.

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Chapter seven - Yes, I made Ryan Ross a prostitute. Sorry, Ryan.

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"Alcohol may be man's worst enemy, but the bible says love your enemy."

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Ryan Ross was a prostitute.

We had scooped him up last time the ship had docked, and he had been loitering around with us ever since. I had yet to speak to him and I didn't really know anything about him, but one thing was for certain, and that was that he was a prostitute.

He seemed to fit in with the crew, but there was just something a little off about him. The easy, lazy way he would drape himself over whoever was nearest as they talked, the glances at each crew member he would sneak when he knew they would be looking. The way his tongue would flicker out and just dash over his lower lip as he watched us talking.

And of course, the unforgettable moment when he strolled in while we were eating and casually slipped into the conversation that if anyone had a couple of silver pieces then he was game for tonight, or any other night, for that matter.

Yes, I was onto him.

It was unexpectedly easy to get used to Ryan's presence around the ship. I was a little apprehensive about him at first, having only heard terrible stories of prostitutes from my family in the past, but I was soon put at ease when James explained to me that he used to be a member of the crew and was actually just a relatively ordinary fellow who needed some cash.

Then he proceeded to explain the circumstances that allowed Ryan to make money off of almost every man on the ship.

Whether it was their true alignment or not, almost all of the ship's crew was partial to homosexualuality. I was on a homosexual pirate ship.

I wasn't quite sure how to feel about this, as I had always had it drilled into me that homosexuality was a terrible, terrible sin, so grave it was not even to be spoken about. But then again, so was killing, and I was turning a blind eye to that in order to keep my place on the ship, so I didn't see why this should be any different.

Everyone was happy with Ryan's presence- he was sweet and sarcastic and barely mooched any food off us, and as long as he was getting to sleep in someone's bed with them every other night, he was kept sated. Having an extra person on board wasn't a problem at all.

Until he drank all the rum.

I hadn't been aware of how unhealthily dependent on alcohol the entire crew was. Within half a day, James was moaning to everyone, Patrick was sharp and irritated, and even Ray was a little more uptight than usual. The Captain seemed pretty much the same, but I noticed that he see suddenly held some tension in his shoulders that hadn't previously been there. There was less poise in his movements.

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