❧ fifty

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"Alright. Alright. Careful!"

Grunting and groaning in pain, Royden lowered himself on the couch. It was with less care than I would have liked him to. He was dismissed out of the hospital and he thought he could everything do on his own again. Stupid.

"You've to be careful," I reminded him of what the doctors had told him explicitly. If he wasn't careful enough, if he didn't take enough rest, his wounds might rip and the whole process had to be started all over again.

"I'm fine. Don't worry so much," Royden replied.

A sigh escaped my lips as I hung my coat on the rack and kicked off my shoes. I headed into the kitchen and rummaged through my bag, in search of Royden's painkillers. I placed them in the little basket with other medication and put it in the cabinet above the kitchen counter.

I reached for another cabinet, grabbing two glasses and I filled them with water. "Do you want anything to eat? A little snack?" I questioned as I brought the glasses towards the couch. I handed Royden one and he took it before placing it on the table. He reached for my own glass and I was too late to realize before it was already placed on the table.

Then he grabbed both my hands and tugged me down till I was seated on the couch next to him. "I want you to take some rest. You're exhausted," he said.

I bit down on my bottom lip and let my eyes wander for a moment before they landed back on his dark ones. "I'm fine. I just... I just need a good night sleep. That's all," I answered him.

"And I still want you to take some rest." He was persistent yet gentle and worried. His eyebrows were drawn together and his mouth was turned down in concern. Softly he squeezed my hands. "I'm worried about you."

A tiny smile spread on my face and I squeezed his hands back. "I know, but I'll be fine. I promise, I will be."

He smiled at me and tugged me towards him while he lay down on the couch. He cuddled me to his side, wrapping his arm around me to keep me close to him. My hand rested on his neck as I stared up at him.

"Take a nap. I won't go anywhere, okay?" He assured me by pressing a kiss to my forehead. My eyes closed and I nudged myself even closer, resting my head on his shoulder comfortably.


The noise of a knock on the door penetrated through my mind. Slowly I woke up and the warmth surrounding me when I had fallen asleep, was gone now. Instead a blanket was wrapped around me. It would never equal to the warmth of your favourite person.

"Hey, can I come in?" the familiar voice of Anthony filled the quiet room.

My eyes fluttered open and I watched how Royden let him inside the apartment. I curled up underneath the blanket and propped my head up on the pillow behind me. Both men looked down at me, seeing me move slightly.

"Hey Waverly," Anthony greeted me with a small smile. I waved back at him as Royden showed me a warm smile and gentle eyes.

"How long have I been asleep for?" I questioned.

"A couple of hours. Three or so," Royden answered. I nodded my head and reached for my phone on the table. Royden came to sit down next to me, resting my legs on his lap and his hand on my calves.

Anthony took a seat on the chair. "I came to say sorry about yesterday," he said. We both looked up at him expectantly.

"Mate, it's... It's okay," Royden said with a little sigh. He was tired. He was slumped down on the couch. Dark circles were visible under his eyes. His skin was still slightly pale.

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