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"Welcome to my lovely home," we both removed our shoes and I showed him around. I watched him admire all the Christmas decorations, our family photos, and more.

"Aw, it's little y/n," He took out his phone and snapped a picture, of the picture on the wall.

"Hey, now! We're not on that!" I pulled him along to my room. "I didn't know you wanted to get right into things. You're so nasty," He placed his hand on his chest, acting shocked.

Boy stop clutching your pearls you nasty heathen

"Shut up," I couldn't help but laugh. Akaashi looked over my room, tinkering with some of my Ice skating and Volleyball trophies/medals. "You are something else," He smiled to himself.

Akaashi found y/n, way different from any other girl, he'd met. She was smart, talented, caring, goofy, but she kept to herself. He loved it.

"If you don't mind, I'm going to quickly change," Akaashi, sat on the bed and turned his face away from me, giving me "privacy"

I quickly removed my clothes, replacing them with shorts, and an oversized hoodie. I walked over to him and gently tapped his shoulder. When he turned around, his face instantly turned red.

"You look so cute," He grabbed me and we fell onto the bed.

We cuddled on the bed, me as the little spoon. "Do you want to watch a movie?" I questioned. "Sure," he said as he played around with the bracelets on my arm.

As I got up to grab my laptop, I noticed that I didn't introduce Akaashi to an important person, "Oh! Akaashi, I almost forgot." I walked towards Yuki's hiding spot. Akaashi had perked up, "And what is that?"

"This is, Yuki!" I brought her over to Akaashi and placed her in his arms. She quickly got comfortable and rested in his arms.

"She already seems to like me," He gently petted her. I brought over the laptop and gently placed Yuki into her bed. "You can hang out with him later girl. He's mine,"

I got back into bed and set up my laptop. "What would you like to watch?" I went through Netflix. "How about a classic Christmas movie? Like home alone?" Akaashi asked before placing his head on my shoulder, watching the screen. "Okay," I quickly found the movie.

I grabbed my favorite blanket and lay on Akashi's chest, as he wrapped his arms around me. Is this real?

I moved my leg and crossed it over his, placing my leg between his. He wasn't expecting me to do that because he had slightly jumped. "Sorry," He quickly apologized.

I buried my face into his chest. He was so warm, he smelled like sweet vanilla. I felt like I was home, I was where I belonged.

I looked up, to see him watching the movie. "Do you need something?" He was still looking at the screen. I brought my hand to his cheek and brought his face down to mine, kissing him. He returned my kiss, deepening it. He licked my lip, asking to enter my mouth. His tongue gently brushed against mine. Before anything could escalate, we slowed down and he gently kissed me.

I pulled away and looked into his eyes. He smiled at me and placed a kiss on my forehead. I gently laid my head back onto his chest, enjoying the movie and this moment we were sharing.

"Hey, y/n" Akaashi called. "Hm?" You answered quietly. "I think...I love you," Akaashi had finally mustered the courage to say what he'd been feeling.

No answer.

"Did you hear me? I love you," He repeated, with confidence this time. With no response, Akaashi looked down at the smaller girl and saw that she had fallen asleep. He laughed to himself, "Good night, y/n. I love you," Akaashi kissed the girl on the forehead before bringing her closer to him, holding her tight. Soon drifting off to sleep.

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