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The break was an amazing time. For the remainder of the break, I spent time with Kotaro and Akaashi. When we're together anything is possible. The best days of my life.

Emi and Akari started to miss me. On the last day of break we decided to go to the mall and hang out. "Just because you have a little boo, doesn't mean you can just ditch us," Akira, pushed me jokingly. We walked into the H&M. "I'm sorry. I just got all wrapped up. I wasn't just with Akaashi. I was with Kotaro as well." It was true, I was sorry. But then again, I still called and texted them. I never forgot about them.

"Y/n it's fine. You're happy and that's all that matters," Emi pulled me into a hug. "Yeah, I guess so," Akira rolled her eyes. "You stay hating, Akira." I laughed.


"I'll be home late! Love you!" I yelled as I left the house. It was the first day back, the second semester. The sky was gray, as small flurries fell from the sky, tickling my face.

"Hey, beautiful!" Hands wrapped around my waist, pulling me in. From the smell of sweet vanilla, "Akaashi!" I smiled. He kissed me on the cheek before moving and walking beside me.

"Ugh, how did you sleep?" He placed his arms behind his head as we walked. "I slept well...I guess. Though, your snoring can be quite obnoxious," I teased. As of recently I and Akaashi have been falling asleep on the phone. We might as well be locked in. If I'm being honest, I've been waiting for Akaashi to ask me to be his girlfriend, but I'll guess I'll hold on for now.

"You're such a bully." He faked crying. "Oh, shush." I laughed. "How about sitting with me at lunch?" He grabbed my bag and smiled at me. Lunch with Akaashi? I hope Emi and Akira don't bitch about it.

"Sure. I have a surprise for you anyway," I took his arm and held it close, making him blush. Today I decided to make him lunch, hopefully, he likes it. "Hm, okay..."


Akaashi and I arrived at school. We soon noticed Emi, Akari, and Kotaro. "Y/n! Akaashi!" Kotaro yelled, catching everyone's attention. "You are honestly embarrassing," I laughed pulling him into a hug. "You too are so cute!" Emi squealed. Akaashi grabbed my hand, a blush spreading across my face.

"Ew, you four disgust me," Akira walked away leaving us. "We should go-" "NO!" Both I and Akaashi yelled, cutting Emi off. I and Akaashi looked at one another. I started to laugh, which maded him start laughing as well.

"I'm glad we're on the same page," He laughed. "That's so mean. Why can't we do a double date?" Emi questioned as we moved towards our classes.

Emi, I love you but, hell no. As Akaashi answered her question. Daiki walked in the opposite direction of us. He eyed me and Akaashi, we were holding hands at the time. Daiki, don't fuck this up for me.

"Bokuto, don't bother Y/n in class," Akaashi told the boy. I've told him how Kotaro treats me in class. How he's constantly embarrassing me and himself. "Alright, fine I'll try," he smiled.

I and Kotaro sat in our seats. Konoha had just walked in, taking his. "Hey, y/n." He smiled. "Hey, Konoha. Sorry about not playing the game with you last night," Konoha had texted me last night asking to play the game, but I never got to text him back. I fell asleep.

"Also, I don't want you sitting next to Konoha anymore. Bokuto switch seats with y/n," Why is Akaashi acting this way?

"Akaashi that's not necessary. I'll be fine where I'm at." I reasoned. I noticed how Akaashi's body tensed up when he saw Konoha. Now he was glaring at him.

"What's the problem?" Konoha was oblivious about what was going on. Why was his teammate glaring at him and asking y/n not to be near him?

"The problem is I don't want you close to y/n like you were before. Keep it friendly." Akaashi smiled, but I knew it was fake. Akaashi was jealous. "Um, why?" Konoha questioned. Please don't let this turn into something bigger than it is. I put my head down. Akaashi looked over at Y/n and noticed how his actions were stressing her out.

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