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He shines a big smile at me and started to walk towards me.

"Hey beautiful," The tall boy placed his hands on the sides of my face. Making me smile, before he placed a soft kiss on my lips.

"Oh, well hello," I laughed a little.

What's with him today??

"Let's go," he grabbed my hand and pulled me to the entrance of the school.

"Wait! We usually wait for Akari and Emi," I stopped in my tracks, letting go of his hand.

Akaashi stopped in his tracks, and turned to me.

"Oh right. Sorry my mind is all over the place," He walked back to me.

"Yea, I can tell" I laughed. He joined into my laugh.

"Hey, I forgot to let you know," I started.

"Let me know what?" He looked down at me.

"In a few weeks I'm supposed to go on an trip with my family," I grabbed his hands.

"What? How long?" His eyebrows furrowed.

"A little over a week," I tightened my grip on his hands.

"Oh," Was all he said. Before I could ask him what's wrong Akari and Emi walked over to us.

"Hey, whores. Sorry we took fucking forever. Emi and Bokuto were on the phone for the longest trying to figure out a way to match today," Akari made a puking motion.

Making me laugh. "Hey! We decided on our red converse and to wear our cardigans," The blondie crossed her arms.

"It's okay Emi, it's cute." I stifled my laugh. She uncrossed her arms and replaced her pout with a big smile.

There's my Emi,

"What's up with him?" Akari pointed towards Akaashi. Who stood there like he saw a dog die.

"Akaashi?" I faced him towards me.


I know damn well this boy did not just "hm" me

"What's wro-"

"HEYOOOO!!" Bokuto yelled

Oh ya just like cutting me off, huh?

"Ugh, the owl is here. Time to go," Akari took my hand and dragged me into the building. I quickly grabbing Akaashi's hand, pulling him along as well.

"Awww, why they leaveee," Emi whined


I sat in classes wondering what was wrong with Akaashi. Did I say something wrong? He just completely shut down. I even texted him and he's ignoring me and dry texting me.


"Ughhhhh" I dropped my head on the desk. Catching both Kotaro and Konoha's attention.

"Uh, Y/n?" Konoha questioned.

"Mmm" I muffled as my head rested on the table.

"What's wrong?" Kotaro joined in.

"Mhmgmh hmgmgmm hmgmm"


"Mhmgmh hmgmgmm hmgmm"

"Y/n your gonna have to lift your head up we can't hear shit," Kotaro grabbed the top of my head and tried to lift my head up.

"Ughhhh. I said, Akaashi is being weird to meeee" At this point I'm depressed.

Forever & Always (Akaashi x reader)Where stories live. Discover now