Ena goes to the metaverse marshalls and commits arson

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(This was written by one of my friends in my health/medical sciences academy. Her name is Olivia.)

One day Ena was walking around with her pal Moony when all of a sudden a portal opened in front of them full of glitchy text. Moony didn't want to go in but Ena is used to this bullsh*t happening to her so she scrooched right on in and found herself in the metaverse marshalls when she made it to the other side. she was very confused as there weren't marshalls' where she was from so she just walked around trying to figure out where the f*ck she was when all of a sudden she was face to face with the disembodied head of Mark Zuckerberg.

"Welcome to the metaverse marshalls" said Mark zuckerberg. "Can I help you?"

"Yeah I actually have no idea what I'm doing here and what is this place actually?" Ena asked.

"You're in the metaverse marshalls and I brought you here to test my latest project but first its initiation time." Mark answered before spawning some Sweet baby Ray's bbq sauce.

"Why do you have bbq sauce?" Ena asked.

"I have to smear it over you to complete the initiation and once I do it you will become one of us. Become one of us ena." Zuckerberg commanded as he opened the bottle.

Ena happened to be allergic to bbq sauce and the whole thing seemed kind of fishy so she began to run away trying to find the portal from where she came from.

"Come back here Ena just a little bit of bbq sauce and you can join the metaverse fully!" Mark demanded chasing her.

"No!" ena yelled as she ran. She found the portal but she spotted a box of matches sitting on a shelf nearby. She grabbed it and lit a bunch of them throwing them all over the place.

"ENA NO!" Zuckerberg cried having abandoned the bbq sauce as he saw the metaverse marshalls lit ablaze. Ena continued until she ran out of matches, standing in the burning building calmly and staring at the flames and the horrified zuckerberg with a smile.

"This place smelled rank as f*ck so to be honest I did you a favor." Ena said simply before jumping back into the portal and leaving Mark Zuckerberg's head to deal with the rampaging fire. She found Moony waiting for her on the other end.

"Woah ena what happened to you?!" Moony exclaimed as ena dusted the soot and cinders off of herself.

"Oh I just visited a store no biggie." Ena replied calmly. "Now let's go and eat some turron."

And so they did.

The end :)

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