The Lonely Assassin

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This was before Rayla met Callum. And before the mission to kill king Harrow.

Rayla's Pov🔪

I layed down under the trees letting its leaves cover me from the sunlight.

I was on a field that had tons of soft grass and beautiful plants.

My hands are behind my head and my eyes are looking at the leaves of the trees.

I had an annoyed look on my face.

Runaan and Ethari are being all lovey-dovey again. They've been hugging and kissing since this morning!

I lost my appetite for breakfast.

And Runaan wont let me have a boyfriend. I was already 15 for God's sake!

Now I just watch couples being all lovey-dovey around me.

And it was the worst!

I could ask my parents but they were banished long ago.

I sighed and closed my eyes.

But they instantly snapped open when I sensed someone's presence.

I quickly stood up and prepared to attack. I turned around.

I let my body relax and I plopped back down on the ground. It was just Runaan.

He sat down next to me.

"Your senses are still sharp." He complimented while looking ahead.

"Thanks..." I mumbled.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked me, this time looking straight into my eyes.

I thought about telling him. Would he scold me or laugh at me? I asked myself. 'Screw it..'

"Why wont you let me have a boyfriend?" I asked after a few minutes if silence.

He looked taken aback.

He slightly smiled.

"None of these men is your soulmate." He replied.


"The elves here in Silvergrove are great. Good enough for you. But I know that they are not right for you."

"You are destined to have another one as your soulmate. No matter how much you date, you're destined to find that other half."

It took a minute for that to sink in.

"You're not letting me date because I have another one as my soulmate?" I summarized.

He nodded.

"But how do I know if their my soulmate?" I asked, curious.

"I will know, and you will know. You feel different with him. You will have a feeling in your heart that says he is to one." He gestured to my chest.

I looked at him in awe.

"How do you know this?"

"Believe it or not, I dated many. It was only when I met Ethari when I felt different with him. He makes me feel special." I could see him blush.

"You will feel a connection with him." He told me.

I smiled warmly.

"Thank you, Runaan." I hugged him and he hugged back.

It was at times like these I appreciate my foster parents.

They are so wise. I could talk to them about my problems. And they dont have a problem with it.

Maybe someday, I will meet my soulmate..

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