The Mage And His Assassin

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This is when they are adults

Callum's Pov🔮

It had been 6 years since we escaped Umber Tor.

We found Claudia and Viren a week after.

They were able to release Aaravos but somehow we stopped them. It took a lot of power though.

It took us a day to defeat them. Viren died in battle since it was already his 30 day mark.

Claudia broke down and Ezran had her arrested. She is in the jail of Katolis with 5 guards watching her and her Earthblood boyfriend.

Thank goodness she's calmed down. But she wont be released for another 2 years.

I was 22. Rayla is 23, Soren is 25 and Ezran is 18.

Rayla is still the last dragonguard. She is the best one yet. And she kills anyone who dares try to hurt the dragon prince.

Soren's fighting and swordsman skills  improved. He is a better crown guard. He checks on Claudia everyday which is really sweet.

Ezran became the best king in all of the kingdoms. He is highly respected. He's getting wiser as well.

And as for me, I became a highly respected mage. Im the same value as Ezran. My magic has gotten better and I learned more spells and tricks over the years. I grew taller to. Taller than Rayla.

Me and Rayla made up and started again. Eventually we got married. Now I was living my best life.

There were very few threats and danger these days. We miss the adventures we used to have but we love this new peaceful life.

Now I was in the high council room. We were discussing the future events for Katolis. With Rayla. She was a new council member.

Her position was 'Rayla the Chief of the Barrier Guards'. Ezran had assigned her to the barrier of Katolis.

But her official title was 'Rayla the Last Dragonguard'.

It really suits her.

"So now that were done with this topic, its time for reports." Ezran said.

"Callum, how is that new magic system project of yours doing?" He asked holding a pen and paper.

"Its doing great. It just needs a few more adjustments." I told him. He gave a single nod and wrote something on the paper.

"Opeli how are the citizems doing?" He looked at her. "They are fine King Ezran. Although some have been complaining about the lack of heat."

"Callum's system is almost complete. They just have to wait for a few more days." She nodded.

"What about the barrier Rayla?" "Its fine. But some of the weapons and equipment are on its last legs. Plus the guards can barely stay awake at dawn." She told him.

"Oh! Oh! Claudia made this thing a few years back. She called it the hot brown morning potion. It helps you stay awake and its delicious too." Soren said.

Ezran nodded.

"Alright. Soren ask Claudia to make more of it." "Will do."

"Amd Rayla, I'll have some more weapons made."

"Corvus, any plans?" He turned to his guard. "King Ahling's youngest child wants to speak with you. And so does Queen Aanya."

"Set a meeting next week for Queen Aanya. King Ahling's child will be in the next 2 weeks."

"If that's all King Ezran, meeting dissmissed." Opeli announced. We stood up and left the room.

Me and Rayla are at the back. The others are in front of us chatting.

"Barius." Rayla called. Barius turned around. "Can you make us some brown sludge tarts?" She asked.

"Why of course. I'll have them to you by this afternoon." He replied politely.

Rayla grinned. She has grown fond to Barius's pastries.

"What are you doing today?" I asked her. She looked at me. "I'll probably train with Soren. Maybe patrol the barrier. I could also walk around town." She listed.

"How 'bout you?"

"Well I have to work on my heat system." I told her. She seemed disappointed.

"Is something wrong?" I asked her worried. "I was kinda hoping we coukd spend some time together." She admitted.

We reached our room. I opened the door and we walked in.

"I'll try to make some time." I told her. Her face lit up.

In truth I wanted to spend some time with her as well. We have been busy these past few days so we rarely got to see each other.

"Im gonna gear up." She said and went to the bathroom.

Her gear consisted of shoulder pads. It wasnt metal but had enough padding. She also had a belt which contained her blades.

Gloves with no fingers in it. It just had a padding on the knuckles. She also wore blue-ish green-ish boots. She had a black undershirt with another padding on it.

She came out a few minutes later wearing her gear. "Got to go." She said and left.

I left the room as well with my staff in hand.

I went to my office and sat on the table. I worked on my system for the next few hours.

I finished my work at dusk.

I stood up and stretched. I went to the balcony and looked down.

I saw Rayla walking around keeping a watchful eye. She must be doing patrol.

A guard approached her and they went to the sides. They were discussing something.

She looked beautiful under the light of the setting sun.

Her face looks so peaceful. She still had those purple marks on her face. Including her horns.

I tried to picture her without those. She looks like a normal human being. But I dont like her her with that. Im not saying I wont love her if she looks human. Its just that, she looks more pretty with those elf things of hers.

I liked how pointy her ears are. Or how her skin is like the color pink. But I dont love her just for her looks.

She has amazing skills. Even though I know a lot of spells, she would most likely beat me in a battle. 

Her personality is great as well. She's caring, kind, selfless, loving and goofy.

I didnt realize she caught me staring until she threw her blade on the pillar next to me.

I gave her a sheepish smile. She smiled back.

She walked away out of view. 'What should I do?' I asked myself. I promised Rayla I'd spend time with her today.

Rayla would like something simple. Something sweet.. I paced in the room.

My eyes landed on the bed. 'That's it!' A light bulb appeared in my head. 'We could cuddle in bed!' I smiled brightly at the idea.

I ran left the room and ran in the hallway. I went down the stairs and found her talking with a guard.

She hasnt noticed me yet.

I sneakily ran behind her and jumped
Hugging her from behind. I felt her tense before relaxing.

We went upstairs and took off our boots. I sat in the bed waiting for her. She hopped in and layed down in between my legs. Her head rested on my chest.

I covered us with a blanket and we fell asleep there cuddled up.

A/N: sorry if I havent updated in a while. I was busy with my other book. And this was rushed. I didnt really have any motivation to do this one😅

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