Late Night Cuddling

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This takes place in the comic before Rayla left.

Callum's Pov

I couldnt sleep. I tossed and turned all night. I sighed in defeat. I looked up and saw Rayla sleeping in her bed.

She looked so peaceful. I smiled. I flopped my head back on the pillow and stared at the ceiling.

It was past midnight. Almost dawn. I dont know why but no matter what I do I just cant seem to fall asleep.

I decided to get out of bed and walk around to try and tire myself.

Of course that didnt work. I tried flying and breath in the fresh air. That didnt work either.

And now I dont know what to do.

I sighed and saw Rayla, still asleep. Then an idea popped up in my head.

I walked over to her bed and slowly crawled in under the covers while trying not to make too much noise.

I got next to her and hugged her. She seemed to have woken up. "Callum, is that you?" She asked groggily.

"Im sorry.. I couldnt sleep.." I whispered in her ear. She groaned again. "You big baby.." She said.

I snuggled closer and I heard soft snores.

Just the smell of her scent is intoxicating.

It was powerful enough to make my eyelids heavy.

Soon enough, I fell asleep.

Right there. With her. In her bed.

A/N: Im so sorry if this is short. My motivation is so low. Its 12:30 am right now. I have to sleep😅 Anyways, Im sorry I havent been updating. Like I said. My motivation is low. And I've been really busy this week. Probably wont update until January. I know its long but I have a lot of family things😅 See you next time!✌

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