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What's wrong with you?!
You've been acting like a jerk all week!

What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you?! You chose someone else!

Is that what this is about?

Don't change the subject! You tried to kill me for somebody else!

They were my parents! I had every reason to choose them!

And what about me?! Are you just gonna move on and be happy with your family?!

Of course I wont! If I did kill you I would cry for a year!

You say that but I bet you'll be alright after a week.

You know what. Im done. Im done putting up with your jerk behavior.

You don't even try to understand my desicions.

Yes I do! No you don't!

Maybe it's best if we break up...

Goodbye, Callum..

She disappeared with a smoke.

Callum's Pov🔮

I shot up in bed. I started panting and I was covered in sweat. I got up and paced around the room.

I looked in the mirror. Strands of hair clung to my forehead. My skin was pale and bags were under my eyes.

I was a mess.

Ever since Rayla and I got back together I've been having nightmares.

Nightmares about us breaking up..

I lost my mom and my dad. I was afraid to lose another loved one..

It's like I have anxiety..

Im always paranoid. And I always get the feeling that someone or something is following me.

I sighed in defeat.

I went to the balcony and looked at the night sky.

The stars twinkled and the moon illuminated the castle.

The cold breeze made me shiver.

The chilling air gave me goosebumps.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I felt the cold air enter my mouth.

I climbed in the rails of the balcony. One wrong move and I fall to the ground.

I held out my arms sideways keeping my balance.

"Manus, Pluma, Volantus."

My arms grew wings. I jumped off the railing and flapped my wings giving my body a boost in the air.

My wings were positioned sideways and I flew in a straight line.

I flapped my wings every now and then to make sure I stay in the air.

I found Rayla's room. Her balcony doors were slightly opened so I saw this as an opportunity.

I landed and my wings turned back to arms.

I opened the doors slowly, it's squeaking sound making me cringe.

I closed it and turned around. She was peacefully sleeping. Her back facing me.

I walked to the other side of the bed and climbed in.

Her eyes slowly opened.

"Callum?" She whispered softly with a small groan. She was exhausted.

I moved closer and wrapped my arms around her. I went under the covers and played with her hair while my other hand rubbed her back.

Soon enough, I heard soft snores.

I brought her closer to me. Her head was nuzzled up against my neck. Her slow breaths giving it a small tickle.

I inhaled her scent. She smelled like strawberries and brown sludge.

Her scent is her personality. She's sour but can be really sweet.

She turns sour with enemies but stays sweet with loved ones.

That's what I love about her.

That's what everyone loves about her.

Soon I fell asleep, cuddling with her.

I wouldnt want it any other way.

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