A Price to Pay

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3rd POV:

Zarathos: 'That could've gone better.'

Duncan: "Can say that again." I muttered

After my outburst with Akame, I walked away. No use in getting worked up for something she isn't willing to understand.

Not worth the effort.

I went to hunt down sinners as much as I could through the night all the while trying to find any trace of Vengeance. Just as one would expect, nothing. It's like he disappeared. But's that how he acts. He just waits for the right moment to strike.

After a whole night filled with nothing but headaches, I decided to return to base. It was already dawn by that time.

Luckily, I managed to calm myself down... for now at least.

Suddenly, I felt a chill in the air. Turning around, I felt a high concentration of sin. Looking into the horizon, it looked like a snowstorm was forming. I blew out some air, I could see my own breath.

It felt a whole tone like a new level of fucked up.

Zarathos: 'Can say that again. A wicked soul that belongs in the deepest pits of Purgatory.'

Something tells me that we are gonna encounter that someone eventually.

Shaking my head, I continued to walk towards the base.

Entering, I found Najenda, Lubbock and Leone having breakfast. All eyes were on me.

Najenda: "Oh, back already?"

Duncan: "Shall I take it that Tats and Akame told you about last night?"

Najenda nodded while Leone and Lubbock chose to listen.

Duncan: "What? Gonna scold me or something?"

Najenda: "Quite the opposite. Are you alright?"

That question took me by surprise, hence I raised a brow.

Duncan: "Where did that come from?"

Najenda: "Your own words when Akame spoke about dying... 'Maybe this is what I want'."

I scratched the back of my head. Taking a chair, I sat at the table and crossed by arms as I leaned back a little.

I could feel their stares.

Duncan: "Oh, that. Someone talked me out of it a long time ago. Just my emmotions got the better of me last night. No biggie."

They looked a little taken back of how relaxed I was about taking my own life. I couldn't even if I tried. I have an annoying Spirit of Vengeance putting me back together after all.

Zarathos: 'You could at least show some gratitude.'

Yeah, yeah. When I will become the king of hell maybe.

Now, time to change the subject.

Duncan: "So what's in schedule for today?"

Najenda: "Today you and Tatsumi will be with Sheele."

For some reason, Lubbock looked a little puzzled.

Lubbock: "But I wonder if she will make it."

Najenda: "It'll be fine. I'm quite sure Sheele will get along with both of them."

Riding for The Revolution(Ghost Rider x Akame Ga KillUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum