Chapter 12

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Diane, Silver and Carmelita ride on their motorcycle towards the police station with their regular clothes on. As they show up, they jump off the motorcycle, and walk towards the cops and Tiffany while the motorcycle transforms back into a suitcase.

Diane: "Chief."

Silver: "Sorry we're late."

Chief Luggins: "This better be good."

Diane: "Trust me, you don't want to miss this."

Tiffany: "Look!"

The Bad Guys drive towards the police station with the "butt rock" in the back.

Chief: "Well, butter my crumpets."

Nick: "Are you seeing this?"

Judy: "I don't believe it!"

Tiffany: "Can it be? The Bad Guys are returning the meteorite? (over radio) Perhaps this is the feel-good story we all need."

The Bad Guys cheer.

Sulley: "We get recognition for good! How cool is that."

Tarantula: "Do you guys think they'll throw us a party?"

Piranha: "Yeah. With fireworks, piñatas and cake!"

As he says that, all of them look down at the passenger seat and see two party hats that belonged to Snake and Skipper. They stop the car. The girls start wondering what's going on.

Wolf: "We can't do this without them."

Murray: "So we're going back?"

Sly: "Why not? It's not the same without them."

Shark: "Snake might be a Mr. Grumpy Pants."

Ralph: "And Skipper might be a whipper snapper."

Tarantula: "But they're our Mr. Grumpy Pants and whipper snapper."

Red: "Let's go get them!"

Wolf speeds away from the station. Diane throws her arms in the air in frustration. Silver covers her face.

Carmelita: "Seriously!"

Chief Luggins: "Wolf!"

As they drive down the freeway at high speed, Marmalade and Nigel argue with Snake and Skipper.

Marmalade: "I'm starting to see why your friends dumped you."

Snake: "I don't have any friends!"

Skipper: "They were never our friends!"

Nigel: "Then why were you with them in the first place?"

Wolf honks the horn and calls for their two old friends.

Wolf: Snake! Skipper!

Snake: "Wolf?"

Skipper: "What does he want?"

Wolf: "Guys, come back!"

Shark: "We need you, baby!"

Tarantula: "And you need us!"

Bentley: "We're nothing without you!"

Marmalade: "Aww, there you go again, making it personal."

Nigel: "Such a powerful and stupid thing."

Marmalade: "We'll give you one last chance to give us the meteorite!

Piranha: "Oh, yeah? What you gonna do, Feathers and Whiskers?"

Marmalade and Nigel take the helmets from Snake and Skipper, and put them on their heads. They use the helmets to call for a swarm of guinea pigs. They knock down trees and run fast towards the car.

The Bad Guys CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now