The crash

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Annie's P.O.V


That all I see. Just plain out darkness. I only heard faint voices and sirens going off, but I couldn't open my eyes. I felt pain in my body and head.

The last thing I felt was warm lips pressing against my forehead. That's when I blacked out completely..... Losing the one thing I relied most on..... My memories.

I awoke with a jolt, my eyes snapping open to see that I'm in a hospital bed, with I.V's in my arms. I felt pain in my head, Abdomen and legs but mostly my Abdomen and head.

It smelled like medicine in here I cringed. I look to my right and see that it's night time due to the darkness outside. Darkness....

It has its ways of fooling and tricking you, that's what I like about the dark. I look to my left and see a girl with raven hair, a red scarf around her neck, black converse, dark blue jeans and a graphic tee under a jacket that had a weird looking green horse with a horn on its shoulders.

I raise an eyebrow curious to why this girl is here. ' Who is she?....' I thought then squinted only to see dried up tear marks on her cheeks. What the hell was she crying for? I don't even know her.

I look forward seeing a doctor come in, with dark brown hair, toned skin, and dark brown eyes. Wearing the usual attire for doctors.

He looked up and beamed " Annie! Your awake! ". He said then went over to my left side to check up on me.

" What do you mean by awake? ". I said coldly, wanting to why the fuck I'm in here. He looks at me weirdly then jotted down something on his clipboard.

" You got in a car crash and you have been in a coma for over a year ". He said then checked the machines that were next to my bed.

My eyes widen " A year!?!? ". I shout angered. I did not like this one bit.

He was about to say something but a soft voice interrupted him " Annie? ". The girl in the chair said standing up and walking towards me.

I met her gaze and see that she has storm grey eyes, and full pink lips, her short raven hair framing her face.

She smiles and tears start to fall and she hugs me. I scowl, pushing her off of me. She looked at me with hurt eyes " Annie..... It's me Mikasa.... Remember? ". She said her voice shaky.

" I don't know who you are but don't ever do that again ". I snapped. Her bottom lip trembles and I can tell she wanted to desperately hug me.

" Yo-You mean.... Y-you don't remember anything? ". She said her voice breaking down. " Remember what?!? ". I shouted getting frustrated.

The doctor looks at me " Annie... Calm down ". He said putting a hand in my arm. I shake off his arm forcefully

Mikasa steps back before running out the door in tears. I roll my eyes and cross my arms, pain shot through me in my stomach I winced.

The doctor puts his clipboard down in the front of my bed and looked at me " Annie tell me what you know about your memories ". He said with a soft voice.

I sighed " My name is Annie Leonhardt, I'm 19-well 20 now I guess, and I love art ". I said pausing thinking about anything else but that's all I remembered....

He looks at me shocked " Oh my gosh...". He muttered and a nurse came in with red hair and green eyes.

" You ok doctor? ". She said softly to the man putting a hand on his shoulder. He looked at her and shook his head " She doesn't remember anything...". He said quietly.

The nurse gasped and turned towards me. " Why are you looking at me like that! What is wrong with me? ". I snapped frustrated some more.

The nurse stepped back cautiously " You have a severe case of memory loss.... We don't know when you will get ALL your memories back ". She said with a sad voice.

My eyes widen and I can hear the heart monitor beep faster. " I want out " I said emotionless with a monotone voice. The doctor shakes his head " Not tonight, sometime this week when we finish up all your wounds and bandages ". He said and he and the nurse left.

I laid back on my pillow, staring at the ceiling. The heart Monitor beeping normally again. I let out a huff and my eye lids felt heavy.

" Why...". I said softly then drift off into a deep sleep.

A/N: Tell me what you guys think! I thought of this like a few minutes ago and decided to change the last one I did to this prompt. Bye! - Drwalf

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