The Titans are coming!

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Mikasa's P.O.V

I sit on the couch next to Annie the twins on our laps. We watch TV on the news channel. I don't know how we came to watch this but we did. * Shrugs * Oh, Whale

" Now for the biggest announcement of all... George ". The News reporter man said looking anxious and scared. I raise an eyebrow.

" It has been recent news that the titans are around going into war in the United States, Canada, South America and Africa.... Us in California are going to be attacked in a few days. Pack your bags! Leave now! " The news reporter said frantically

I look at Annie but she wasn't there only Ariel. I put Mason down " Stay here ". I said and they nodded slowly fear plastered on their faces.

I ran upstairs only to see Annie in regular clothes getting a few suitcases putting away our stuff " Annie! What's going on! ". I said nervous.

She kept putting clothes in " We need to pack now! ". She said in a hurried voice " I knew this day would come....". I heard her mutter.

I start putting clothes away filling a suitcase with my clothes and my laptop, pictures and drawings. We start putting away the twins clothes into one big suitcase.

We finish then I change into my black converse, basketball shorts and a dark blue muscle shirt. The twins appear at the doorway holding their hands.

" What are the titans? ". Mason asked in a small voice. Annie went over and kneeled down " I will tell you that later. Uncle Levi is coming over in a but go change ". He said and they nodded.

Mason changed into a blue tee, cargo shorts and black converse. Ariel in Jean shorts, blue vans, and a white tee.

I heard the door being open and I furrow my eyebrows. I heard running up the stairs and see Levi in his uniform but instead of the military police logo, it was two wings one blue and one white.

" Come on there's no time to waste ". He said in a serious demanding voice. I nod and grab the kids holding them on my arms and going downstairs, Annie and Levi getting the suitcases.

I go outside and put the kid in the back of the truck. " Stay here ". I said and they nodded. I ran back getting out skateboards and 2 framed pictures.

I ran back and see Annie and Levi already in the car, I ran to the back and swiftly went in. The twins hold on to me while we ride out.

~ 10 minute later ~

We made it to the warehouse but on the way we saw families getting out frantically. Levi and Annie get out first getting the suitcases.

I get out first but turn to see Marcus running to help us in his uniform. He grabs our skateboards and I grab the twins holding them close to me.

I walk inside behind Marcus the frame pictures held in my grip, my bracelets making noise.

The door closes and I walk inside and see everyone running around the drugs gone and mostly weapons everywhere. Everyone in their uniforms.

I follow Marcus, Annie and Levi upstairs and into her office. I walk in and see the group here already in uniforms to. The luggage in one corner.

" Krista help ". I said and she came over and took the twins. She comforted the twins going over to Ymir.

I go to Annie " Annie what are we doing here ". I said and she looked at me giving me a uniform set but it had the same logo as Levi.

" I'll tell you just change into this ". She said softly. Levi went over and held a big black sheet making sure no one would see us.

I change quickly having a little trouble with the straps on my legs. Annie comes over with her uniform and helps me. " It gets tricky the first time but you'll get it ". She said and I smile, even at the time of being almost attacked she makes everything better.

And I noticed she was wearing my scarf....and I let her

Levi walks away putting the sheet away and I look at Annie " Now can you explain ". I said and she nodded and held my hand.

I look down and see that she has her ring on. I wear my ring on my left hand so it felt good seeing my wife wear hers. I'm trying so hard not to cry of happy tears.

" We have been preparing the last week to get all of out weapons, having meetings with the Scout Regimen and the Stationary Guard. We are going into war and we gather you guys to help us fight ". Annie said with a serious voice

" What! Were gonna actually fight! ". Connie called out about to go towards us but Sasha grabbed his arm. Annie nods " Of course... ". She said with a low and evil voice.

She let go of my hand and walked to Connie stopping infront of him " Tell you this... Do monsters make war or does war make monsters? Hmmm? ". She asked in a low scary voice.

Connie was speechless with wide-eyes " I-I...". She stuttered and I basically see her smirk even if I can't see her " Thought so.... So shut up we only have 4 days to train you so get ready to feel pain ". She said and walked back to me with an evil smirk. Even that's scared me.

I felt someone poking my leg and I looked down to see Mason looking up at me with Ariel behind him. " Can we fight? ". He asked so casually that I think in my head... Wow...

" Ummm...". I say with a nervous smile. Annie kneeled down and spoke " Aren't you afraid? ". I have to thank her later...

They shook their heads " You told us to never be afraid unless it takes over us... And were not letting it take over us ". Ariel said and everyone went quiet, mouth agape and eyes-wide.

I look over to Reiner and Bertholt and there just as surprised as us. I look at the kids and they have Annie's stoic face. Damn....

" Wow.... You are the most bravest people I have ever met. And were 20 years old being scared to death ". Annie said and the twins smirked. When twins do things in unison it's either amazing or scary.

" So can we? ". Ariel asked and Annie shook her head " No but would you like to have a uniform like mine? ". She asked and they nod furiously.

Annie stood up and looked at Levi " Can you take then to the uniform room and let them choose which uniform they want? Please ". She said and He nodded " Come on squirts ". He said they ran and held his hands.

I smile " I'm actually jealous of our kids ". I said outloud and Annie chuckled " Well let's get started shall we? ". She said and looked at everyone.

Mostly everyone was scared but they kept a strong expression. I smirk and Annie led us downstairs and outside to the back of the warehouse.

All of us stop to look at the huge structure holes everywhere and people flying here and here. Annie turned to us " Welcome to our 3DMG practice field ". Annie said using her arms as gestures.

And at that I never felt so much pain in my legs before....

A/N: Part 2 will be next chapter. And I have a random question When boxers practice to fight and they use that white wrap around their hands is it called masking tape?

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