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Annie's P.O.V

" Mickey! Mickey! Mickey! ". I heard yelling and felt a weight being pushed down on my stomach.

I open my eyes only to see Mikasa sitting on my stomach, jumping up and down. I groan " Did you really have to wake me up like this? ". I said sitting up.

She nods furiously. I swear to god the most mature, reserved and nonchalant person acts like a 6 year old on steroids.

I just remembered that it's Friday. It's been a week since I have just remembered her and we haven't left each other's sides.... literally.

I wore one of Mikasa's Shirt which was big on me going to my upper thighs, and black shorts. Mikasa wearing Plaid lumber Jack Pj pants and the jacket I gave her. Nothing underneath. * Wink * Wink *

" What do you want for breakfast? ". She says getting off me and going to the kitchen. Thank god Eren is at armin's house.

" You ". I mutter standing up to. She's still getting out the ingredients so I guess she didn't hear me.

I smirk and quietly walk behind her hugging her from behind. " Gotcha! ". I said loudly and she jumped almost dropping flour on us.

" God! You scared the crap out of me! ". She said leaning against the counter..... Stop thinking wrong.

I smile and kiss the back of her neck. She nervously laughs " Mi-Mickey..... Stop I-it ". She said stuttering.

I chuckle and let go, going to sit at the kitchen counter watching her cook. I just watch her staring at her eventually zoning out going into dreamland.

I daydreamed about her in anime cat ears, and a tail the fur the same as her hair Color. I will draw that later....

I snapped out of my daydream, Mikasa throwing flour on my face. She laughs and wipe my eyes. I glare at her " Minnie! ". I yelled and stood up grabbing a handful of flour and running after her. Eventually I cornered her in the kitchen an dropped the flour on her head.

I laugh, cause her hair is all white and her face. She laughs with me, and I wrap my arms around her. She wraps her arms around me and gives me an Eskimo kiss.

I smile " I love you Minnie ". I said looking into her eyes. She smiles. I miss her smile...

" I love you to Mickey ". She said and leaned in to kiss me. I kiss back having to go on my tip toes. She's fricken taller than me and I'm fucking short. Well Krista is more shorter.....

I pull away and ruffle her hair making flour fall off of her hair.

It took us 5 minutes to get the flour out of our faces, and 30 minutes just to clean up the kitchen.

Flour. Gets. Fucking. Everywhere.

Once we were done Mikasa made pancakes, eggs, bacon and toast. Minnie is so good at cooking it's unbelievable.

After we ate we headed to her room. She was on the bed on her laptop and I was sitting at her desk drawing Her with anime cat ears.

It came out great, she was holding a claw up, growling her two small sharp fangs showing in her mouth and her ears on her head.


I turn to Minnie and get up to sit behind her, hugging her from behind. She was editing her pictures of us we took this week. She's really good at photography.

I lay my head on her back.

" Mickey? ". She said closing her laptop and putting it on her nightstand and turned to me, to lay on me.

I look down at her " Yes ". I said wondering what she is going to ask.

" Promise me...... That you will never leave my side ". She said seriously.

I smile and kiss her nose " I'll always be here.....till death do us part ". I said and she blushes burying her face in my chest.

" Stop being so sweet ". She said but it came out as a muffles. I giggle " Stop being so cute ". I said and I can just see her face turn into a fucking tomato.

She looks up at me then sat up, sitting on my lap. I look up at her my cheeks going red.

She leans in, her face inches from mine.

" Make love to me Mickey ". She whispered with lustful eyes. I smirk

" Your wish is my command...".

A/N: The smut chapter will be next so.... If you don't like it don't read it, like it then read it. Simple. Questions?

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