Fragile doesnt even start with it

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Annie's P.O.V

* Loud sigh *

If Ariel and Mason were babies I'm pretty sure Mikasa would be the most Fragile person ever. And Mikasa is not fragile not one bit and she has the abs to prove it.

For the past months we had the twins she's always literally by their side helping them whenever they need it.

Ha, this one time we were at the park and when a guy asked "are these your kids? " Ariel and Mason gave him the coldest glare. It was hilarious seeing him run away.

These kids are a lot like me and Minnie... I have to change the way we ' surprise adopt ' people. Smh

We enrolled them into Kindergarden a month after we got them. And.... * Nervously laughs * we might of... Put them into martial arts.

Hey! It's never to early to learn how to kick someone's ass! I even taught them both a few boxing techniques, They really liked it.

Even Levi taught them the basics of sign language.... They learn quick. I mean really quick, thank god my lunatic of a dad taught me sign language when I was 11.

" Pancakes or Waffles? ". I heard Levi say as I walk down the stairs rubbing my eyes. I was in black shorts and one of Mikasa's baseball tee's.

Mason and Ariel were sitting behind the kitchen counter sitting on those tall chairs.

" Pancakes! ". Mason yelled out

" Waffles! ". Ariel yelled out. They glare at each other. I chuckle and go stand by Masons side " Pancakes are better ". I said then Mason gave me a high five.

Levi went around and stood by Ariels side " Waffle are better ". He said and Ariel cheered.

I glare at him and he smirks. The next thing we knew we were yelling and ranting about which is better.

I heard footsteps and groaning come from behind me. Mikasa was coming down stairs then stopped at the bottom, all eyes on her.

" Pancakes or waffles! ". We yelled out and she chuckled but covered her mouth. She walked over to stand in the middle of us. She then walked over to stand beside Levi " Waffles ". Ariel and Levi cheered while me and Mason groaned.

I glare at her " Traitor ". I said and Mason crossed his arms. Mikasa laughed and went over to me and kissed my cheek " Let's just make Pancakes and waffles ". She said then I looked away my cheeks a deep crimson.

After making the pancakes and waffles we ate the twins mostly making up a conversation.

" How did you two meet? ". Mason said his mouth full of pancake. I smile " I will tell ". I said before Mikasa could say anything.

" Ok it started at Sophomore year...".

4 years ago

It was the start of the new year. I was new to this school so I didn't know anyone except my childhood friends Reiner and Bertholt.

I walk down the hall carrying my knapsack on my back fiddling with the strap. I went to the office and got my schedule and I.D. When I walked out Reiner and Bert were their to greet me.

" How do you like it so far? ". Bert said looking at me. I shrug " It's fine ". I said nonchalant. " Come on we want you to meet some people ". Reiner said and they guided me to the lunchroom where a group of kids were talking at a table.

We walked over and all eyes turned to us. I looked all around at the new people I'm about to meet stopping to meet the gaze of stormy grey eyes. She had inky black hair, toned skin, pink full lips and a scar across her cheek.

I blush and look away watching Reiner introduce the group. " This is Eren, Armin, Sasha, Connie, Jean, Marco, Ymir, Krista and Mikasa ". He said pointing to all of them.

After that we started to hang out, me and Mikasa talking more and more. Eventually at Valentines day I asked her out and she said yes. That day was amazing. I got to see a side of her that I never knew.

" I like you... A lot ". I said to her looking at her as we sit at the park under the big tree.

She looked at me and smiled softly " I like you to ". She said then kissed my cheek.

Present day

" And after that we had more dates and on our 5th date I said I love you for the first time then we shared our first kiss ". I said then Mikasa intertwined our fingers

I look at her and smile kissing her cheek which made her blush to her cheeks and ears.

" When's the first time you did it? ". Levi said and me and Mikasa's eyes widen. We went over to cover the twins ears " What the hell Levi! Not infront of the kids! ". She said mad

Levi raised two hands in surrender " Well sorry it just came out ". He said with a smirk. I glare at him then we uncover their ears. Mason and Ariel looked at each other then shrugged.

" Let's play Call of duty! ". Mason called out jumping off the chair and running to turn on the Xbox 1. A present from Levi himself.

Ariel ran to the living room to setting up the controllers. I smirk and ran to them sitting on the floor getting a controller " Get ready to lose! ". I said " In your dreams! ".

Mikasa's P.O.V

I sit on the high chair behind the kitchen counter and watch the three play against each other.

" I wish Annie would be like this all the time ". Levi said sitting towards them his arms on the back of the chair.

I nod " Yea... I like this Annie better ". I said then Annie yelled out " WHAT! AGAIN! ". She groaned while Ariel and Mason laughed and taunted her.

I chuckle " Looks like the twins win again ". I said then Levi let out a small laugh " A 20 year old being beaten by two 6 year olds in call of duty.... So sad ". He joked making me laugh.

I look at him " They really look up to you... Ya know that right? ". I said and he looks at me then them " I know... ". He smiles which is another rare sight, ha.

" You guys are all I have left. And I will do anything to keep you guys safe ". He said then I look at them Annie losing again.

" Me to..". I mutter

Do whatever it takes...

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