Happy Birthday!!!

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Mikasa's P.O.V

May 16th, 2015

" Mickey! Come on! ". I whisper waking her up by shaking her. She groans not even budging.

I let out a sigh and go close to her ear " It's the twins birthday...". I whisper kissing a kiss to her ear. She jolted up almost making me fall off the bed.

" Oh my gosh.... Come on! ". She said getting up and walked out the door. I smile and get up following her to the twins room.

I only wore boxer shorts and one of Annie's flannels, Annie just wore her boxer shorts and one of my baseball tees.

I walk into their room Annie who is waiting quietly for me. Honestly I am fricken jealous of their room

LITERALLY their room is split into half, the paint on the walls stopped by the middle of the room. Mason's side is left close to the door and Ariels room is right close to the window.

" Happy Birthday! ". We yelled out which made them wake up in an instant. Ariel sat up and rubbing her eyes yawning a bit. Mason just kept laying down.

I smile because of how cute they are. I walk over to Ariels side which the walls were a baby blue.

I sit on her twin sized bed " You guys are adorable...". I said and ariel smiled " Thanks mommy ". She said and I felt good.

" YAY! You remembered! ". Mason jolted up grinning from ear to ear " Of course we did.... Your our little dinosaurs ". Annie said which made the twins laugh making growling noises.

I laugh " I call T-Rex! ". Mason called " I'm one of those dinosaurs that flys! ". Ariel said excitedly.

" Sabertooth tiger! ". Annie said and I looked at her " Those were around the ice age ". I said but she crossed her arms " Haven't you ever seen Ice age: Dawn of the dinosaurs? ". She said and I roll my eyes knowing she referred to the movie.

" What dinosaur are you mommy? ". Ariel asked and I thought about it. Finally deciding an answer I pick:

" Indominus Rex ". I said and they look at me confusingly. I shake my head " It's a new dinosaur from Jurassic world ". I said remember seeing it on commercial.

" Breakfast! ". Mason yelled and got up and ran out the door ariel following him. I chuckle and get up Annie walking beside me holding my hand.

We walk downstairs to see they already took out the things for food. I smile softly and look at the twins " So.... Pancakes, eggs, bacon and orange juice? ". I say and they nod.

~ 20 minutes later ~

" Finished! ". I said passing the plates to Ariel, Mason and Annie. Fricken Annie didn't even help me...

" Yay! ". They cheered and I shake my head pouring them glasses of orange juice. I pass it to them and start eating mine.

" Annie can you go get my phone? ". I ask and she nods getting up and walking upstairs. I smile taking a sip of her orange juice.

" Shhhh..". I said putting a finger to my lips. They giggled and nodded. I continue eating and Annie walks down the stairs and hands me my phone.

" Thanks ". I said softly kissing her cheek making her cheeks red. I love how she does whatever I tell her to even if it's just getting me a shirt.... That's why I am in love with her.

I text the group even levi, hanji and Petra. When I have everyone the text of saying it's the twins birthday bring something and come over.

For Hanji's I said:

" Hanji bring Petra and come over to our house. It's the twins birthday today.... And no fricken sex in any of the rooms! "

I almost laughed out loud because of that. My god....

I put the phone on the counter and continue eating. After we all finished the first one to come over is Levi holding a neatly wrapped up box.

The twins smiled and ran up to him from the couch and hugged him. He hugged back walking to us in the living room.

" Put the presents in the corner ". I said pointing to the empty corner left of the fireplace.

He nodded and put it on the floor carefully. He got up and sat on the other couch the twins sitting beside him poking him.

" Did you seriously asked Hange and Petra to come over? ". Levi said as the last people to come were Hanji and Petra holding a rather big wrapped up box.

I swear to god if I don't get a honeymoon with Annie for my birthday I'm going to flip. The corner is literally stacked with presents. * Pouts *

" More presents! ". Mason said running to hanji who was holding the present. Ariel was using 2 party hats on her head looking like she had ears. Even Annie did it to....

Everyone was wearing the party hats weirdly. Mostly unicorns.... And the two party hat ear thing. I didn't even bother with it....

Hanji put the present by the corner and sat down on the floor her back against the couch, Petra was talking to Krista.

" Hanji! Hanji! ". Ariel called out giving her a party hat. Hanji smiled and took it wearing it as a unicorn.

Everyone went quiet when Annie and Levi carried the cake and set it on the coffee table.

The twins stood infront of it a 7 as the candle. Levi lit up and we all started singing.

" Happy birthday to you!

Happy birthday to you!

Happy birthday dear Ariel and mason!

Happy birthday to you! ".

The twins blew the candle and every clapped. The twins looked at each and nodded.

" Let's take a picture! ". They said in unison and I rose an eyebrow. I gave connie my phone and I went and kneeled down next to ariel, Annie kneeling down next to mason.

" Ok.... 1.... 2.... 3! ". Connie said and snapped a picture but when he said three ariel and mason shoved cakes in our faces.

I heard laughs and another few clicks. I wipe my eyes and look at the twins who were laughing.

I grabbed a handful of cake and shoved it in both of the kids faces. Annie laughed and I laugh to, the twins licking some of it and then shoving more cake in our faces.

" Your getting the floor dirty ". Levi said standing on the other side of the table. We looked at him then Annie threw cake at his face.

We went into a cake war, the cake was fricken big.

When Annie was laughing when she threw cake at Eren I pulled her turning her around and giving her a kiss.

I didn't even hear the click.

I pull away and I lick some icing off of her nose. She smiled and I laughed looking around seeing everyone having fun, the twins literally on top of Petra shoving cake in her face.

I look at Annie while she was looking at something else and smiled warmly.

I wouldn't want it any other way....

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