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Drea sat in the back seat, struggling to not panic.

"So, you're the last Whitlock kid?" The driver asked, looking at her in the rearview mirror.

"Yeah." She said quietly, not looking at the man's eyes.

"Hah, I was your daddy's biggest fan. His fighting style was so brutal." He chuckled. "Can't wait to see what you do."

Drea nodded halfheartedly.

"Ay, we're here." The driver pulled over.
He got out and opened the door for her.
"I know you'll do great, m'lady."

"Thanks.." Drea grabbed her bags and found herself at the door of the Apok arena. The building was several stories high, and took up a massive amount of space. It was pitch black midnight, so the entire building was lit up with spotlights.

"Okay.. I can do this.." Drea sighed, and walked into the building.

"Hello, Andrea Whitlock?" A finely dressed woman greeted her.

"Yes.. That's me, yes." She nodded.

"Let me take your to your room, ma'am." She took Drea's bags and led her to an elevator. The lobby and the halls were empty, everyone asleep, and the sight of it unsettled Drea.

The room was beautiful. Giant bed, giant TV, clean bathroom, and a perfect view of the city. Like a 5 star hotel.

"Thank you." Drea said as the woman set down her bags.

"Thank you, ma'am." The lady smiled before walking out into the hall.

Drea sat on the king sized bed, inhaling the clean smell of the room. She layed back, falling asleep as her head hit the mattress.

The next morning, at 5am sharp, Drea went downstairs to the arena's McDonald's for breakfast.

She was in a constant state of starstruck as she was surrounded by TV celebrities. All her favorite players were there, eating or watching past matches on the TV's. 

"You new here kid?"

She turned around and her stomach dropped into her shoes.

Sierra Rooney was standing there, smiling.

"I.. I.." Her voice got caught in her throat. "I.." She felt her face go hot as she realized what an idiot she was being. "Drea. I'm.. I'm Drea."

"Dream Whitlock? I know you!"

Drea felt sweat prickle at her palms.

"You do..?"

"Yeah. You sent in a letter every year until you turned 16. It was adorable."

"Ah.. You.. You got the letters?"

"Tch, of course! Hey, good luck in your first match, kid. I can't wait to see what your Dad taught you."

Drea smiled uncontrollably as Rooney walked passed her and into the lounge area.

"Holy shit.." She whispered, running her fingers through her hair.

"Your order ma'am." The squeaky teenager said, sitting a bag on the counter in front of him. Drea took the bag, and sat down at a nearby table to eat.

It was the best crappy McDonald's she'd ever had. Everything was hot and tasted fresh. The pancakes tasted real.

Drea finished her breakfast, and then she continued to watch as her favorite stars casually walked in and out of the lobby. All was good.

Until Jayleen.

Number Twenty-SixOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz