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After the video call, Drea decided to visit the local bookstore. She wanted to see if they had the next book in them current fantasy series she was reading.

She browsed the shelves, enthralled in the sea of titles. Her love of books was instilled in her from a young age. Archie always loved books, especially fantasy.

She sighed in disappointment when the book was nowhere to be found.

"Need anything, miss?" The employee asked, restocking a portion of the shelf.

"Oh.. Do you have any copies of Crystal Caves by Ellis Olsen..?" She asked, suddenly self-conscious.

"Yes! For sure, let me go get you one from the back. My partner loves that author." She said happily.

"Oh? Thank you." She followed the woman.

Drea payed for the book, and then went back to her room.

It felt awesome to not be stressed over training or fighting.

It felt awesome to have time for reading.

Drea loved to read.


Just before she could read the end of the chapter, her alarm rang. It was time for her to train again.

She begrudgingly put down the book, changed into workout clothes, and headed to the gym.

There were actually some people in the gym, unlike the previous day.

Drea spent a long time on the treadmill, and then worked her arms. That satisfying, accomplished feeling flooded her as she lifted past her max weight. Even though she felt invincible, she recognized that she should rest a little.

Her water bottle emptied quickly, so she refilled it and sat back down on the bench.

"Finally wised up, huh kid?" Sierra sat next to her.

"Yeah.. I figured you know better than me." She admitted, wiping some sweat off her face.

"Glad you think so. Wow, your arms look great." She grinned. "Not as good as mine, of course." She flexed a bicep playfully.

"I mean, you do have 30 years of age and 10 years of brutal fighting experience on me. Not really the flex you think it is, Rooney."

"Ha! Oh, you little smart ass!" She elbowed Drea's arm.

"I'm gonna go destroy another dummy." She chuckled, standing up.

"Why don't you spar with me instead?"

"Eh, either way I'll be punching a dummy."

"Oh, you're in for it!" Sierra shot up off the bench. She clamped a hand on Drea's shoulder. "Tape your knuckles, kid. I'm taking you down."

"You're on!" Drea grabbed her hand wraps.


After 10 minutes of sparring, Drea was completely too confident. 80% of her punches were landing. Sierra struggled to keep up, but was also holding back a bit.

Drea got a little too carried away, and accidentally pounded Sierra's nose.

"Holy shit! I'm so sorry, Sierra, are you okay?!"

Sierra hissed as she examined her nose with her fingers.

"Damn kid, that's one monster punch.." She chuckled. "I'll be good, though. Didn't break it."

"Ah, sorry again.. I just got lost in the punches, y'know?"

"It's all good. I've been through much worse. But.." Sierra paused, winding back. Before it could register, Sierra nailed Drea in the guts. "We're not done with this sparring session."

"Agh, yeah.. That.. I deserved that one." Drea crouched down, trying to force the pain away. "Damn."

"Hah! C'mon kid! You gotta recover quicker than that!"

"Nah, I like it down here. Plus, I can do this.." She tackled Sierra's legs, bringing her down to the floor.

"Agh! You.. Son of a..!"

They tusseled for another thirty minutes, quite equally matched now that Sierra wasn't holding back.

Finally, Sierra pinned Drea down, grinning smugly.

"Ugh... Alright.. you win, you prick." Drea groaned.

Number Twenty-SixKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat