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After lunch, Drea video called her Dad. He invited her whole family over for a little Drea's-In-The-Apok party.

"Drea! Hey, how are y-" Her oldest sister, Lydia, started before interrupted by 4-year-old cousin Jenny.

"Drea! Drea! Drea! I'm a foot taller than last time you saw me!" Jenny said excitedly.

"A whole foot? You mean an inch?"

"No! A foot! A foot, right Daddy?" She ran to Uncle Perry, who scooped her up in his arms.

"Sure, Pumpkin, whatever you say." He smiled at the camera, then waved.

Her brother Cameron was handed the camera.

"Cam! Hey man!"

"Hey Drea! How have you been?"

"I'm great, bro. How's Darry doing?"

"Oh, he's much better now. He didn't wanna give everybody his cold, so he stayed home with Melody." He sighed. "Oh wait, El-"

"Andrea, are you eating enough dear? You better be getting 8 hours of sleep!" Aunt Elena stole the phone.

"I'm getting everything I need, Aunt." Drea insisted.

"Are you sure? Do you need any new clothes? I can send you some cookies!"

"Leave the girl alone, El! She's a big girl, she can handle herself." Eleana's husband cut in, taking away the phone.

"Thanks Uncle Sean." Drea chuckled. "How's Isa and Mari?"

"Oh, they're great! Mari's in a little mood today since she stained her shirt, but we're happy overall."

"That's too bad. Is River available? I haven't seen them yet."

"They're right over there. River! Your sister wants to talk with you!" Sean shouted.

"Oh, hey Dre! What's up?" River asked, taking the phone.

"River! Dude, I haven't seen you in forever."

"Haha, I know. Work's been a bitch- I meant a jerk! Ah.. Sorry Perry.." They apologized to their uncle off-screen. Drea faintly heard little Jenny ask what the word meant before Drea's Father took the phone.

"Kid, it's crazy over here! How's it like on your end?"

"The room is real nice." She turned the phone to show off her room.

Her dad gave a low whistle. "That right there is a top notch suite, kid. Helluva lot better than what I had when I was startin' out."

"I know, right? Hey, has Archie showed up yet?"

"Oh.. Um.. Your brother texted me earlier-"

"What'd he say?! Pa, what'd he say?"

"He's too ashamed to see any of us." Her dad sighed. "I'm sorry, honey."

"Damn it.." She muttered. "I'll try calling him again tomorrow. Just... I should go get lunch. Bye everyone."

"Oh okay. Uh.. Drea's leavin' everybody! Say bye!"

A chorus of goodbyes sung off-screen. Drea smiled and then ended the call.

She hated lying to her dad, but her mood was ruined now. She'd rather eat a whole second lunch than be a downer on her family's party.

Number Twenty-SixUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum